Shanghai, September 9 (ZXS) -- According to the "August 11 Second-hand Car Online Transaction Data Report" released by China's second-hand car trading online service platform Tiantian Pai Car Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) on the 11th, the transaction volume of new energy second-hand vehicles from January to August this year increased by 2023.8% year-on-year; At the same time, the report shows that the average transaction price of new energy used vehicles has increased.

The person in charge of the research institute said in an interview on the 11th that although there are still some problems in the new energy second-hand car market, the overall situation of the new energy second-hand car market remains unchanged. According to the report, the transaction volume of new energy used cars hit a record high in August, and the proportion of new energy used car transactions in used car transactions increased to 8.8%.

It is understood that in recent times, in order to promote automobile consumption, invigorate the development of second-hand cars, revitalize the stock, stimulate the replacement of new cars, and give play to the important part of second-hand cars in the whole life cycle of automobiles, relevant departments have issued a series of favorable policies to promote circulation. However, in the eyes of enterprises, all parties in the market need to explore landing solutions on the basis of policies.

According to the report, the proportion of off-site transactions increased to 8.70% in August this year, an increase of 3.8 percentage points from 61.9% in August last year, and the activity of second-hand car transactions in different places increased significantly. The Institute pointed out that on the one hand, the activity of long-distance transactions benefits from the relaxation and driving of policies, and in addition, "policy plus platform" can better release and amplify the market benefits of policies.

For the market, the value of a used car is mainly determined by the residual value of the vehicle itself and market demand. Second- and third-tier cities need more BBA (the abbreviation of Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi brands), and developed cities in the east have relatively more BBA and better vehicle conditions. If it is only sold locally, the demand is insufficient, and people prefer to buy new cars. At this time, it is very necessary to export from the east to the central and western regions, and the cross-regional circulation of the city's export to the suburbs and counties. The research institute said that the cross-regional circulation platform of second-hand cars has emerged as a necessary infrastructure for the development of the industry and empowers the upstream and downstream of the industry, and the second-hand car "big cake" can be made bigger and more fragrant.

The Institute expects that in September, with the intensive launch of various policy tools, the effect will gradually appear, and relevant parties should make full use of the remaining four-month window in 9 to accelerate the promotion of the active used car market. (End)