【Scene】Liu Jing live broadcast

We are now in Dongting Lake, see that our Dongting Lake has risen in the past two days, those who like to eat dried fish can pay attention to it, click on the upper left corner to follow, and pay attention to the anchor not to get lost.

【Commentary】Every day, the special food of Dongting Lake is promoted on various live broadcast platforms, and short videos of the production process of dried fish and the scenery of Dongting Lake are shared with netizens, which is the work of Liu Jing, a new generation of Dongting fishermen in Liumenzha community in Yueyang Junshan District, Hunan Province. In 2022, she used live streaming to sell air-dried fish worth 600 million yuan for her family, becoming a well-known master of getting rich.

Located on the west bank of East Dongting Lake and the Huarong River, the Liumen Gate is a famous landmark on the shores of Dongting Lake. With the full launch of the ten-year fishing ban on the Yangtze River, more than 70 fishermen "families" in Liumen Gate bid farewell to the fishing "business" on which they depended at the end of 2019, and officially washed their feet and went ashore to live in a safe house.

【During the same period】Ye Lixin, director of the Liumen Gate Community Neighborhood Committee in Yueyang Junshan District, Hunan Province

Our ancestors (grandparents) have been fishing, and since I was fishing, I started fishing when I was about 20 years old, and at that time fishing was still very hard and worried.

Ye Lixin, 49 years old this year and director of the Liumenzha Community Neighborhood Committee who has made a living by fishing for more than 20 years, said that because fishing is generally in the early morning, fishermen are living a fearful "drifting" life on Dongting Lake before going ashore. Especially in the event of strong wind and rain, you can only "resign yourself to fate".

【During the same period】Ye Lixin, director of the Liumen Gate Community Neighborhood Committee in Yueyang Junshan District, Hunan Province

After you come ashore like now, we don't have to be afraid of any strong wind or rain.

Talking about how to find the right path for development after going ashore, Ye Lixin said that this is inseparable from the crystallization of wisdom accumulated by ancestors for generations. Before going ashore, most of the fishermen of Dongting lived on fishing boats, so in order to facilitate the preservation of their catch, they thought of a way to salt-pickle and then dry it. Over time, the preservation method was improved, and finally the six-door dried fish with excellent taste and flavor was formed.

Under the leadership and help of the local government, the fishermen ashore began to actively develop the air-dried fish industry at the Liumen Gate. Liu Jing, who grew up fishing by her parents and has worked hard in the catering industry for many years, also seized the opportunity of fishermen to return to Liumen Gate, received e-commerce live broadcast and short video training organized by the government, and started her career as a cargo anchor.

Relying on the lively thinking and creative methods of young people, coupled with the industry resources accumulated before, Liu Jing's goods are increasing, and her parents have also opened an air-dried fish processing shop at home, specializing in air-dried fish processing and production.

【During the same period】Liu Jing, a resident of Liumen Gate Community in Junshan District, Yueyang, Hunan Province

I remember that there was a short video with more than 500 million exposures (times), it seems that more than 1,<> people liked it, and many people added me to WeChat on the same day, and then there were calls to order fish, there were Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, and hotels to make signature dishes, and the endless orders were much better.

【Commentary】Today's Liumen Gate, some fishermen ashore contract fish ponds to raise fish, some wholesale fish come back to process air-dried fish, and some open up sales channels on the Internet... While the villagers were busy and happy, the air-dried fish of the Liumen Gate showed an output value of more than 2022 million yuan in 2. In August this year, Yueyang Junshan District was also named "China's hometown of air-dried fish".

【During the same period】Ye Lixin, director of the Liumen Gate Community Neighborhood Committee in Yueyang Junshan District, Hunan Province

We have 12 air-dried fish processing shops and about 10 households that raise sea bass. Some of the rest are older (landed fishermen) who come to work part-time jobs in air-dried fish processing shops, and come when they need people, at least 120 (yuan) a day, and a maximum of 140 (yuan) a day.

Reporting by reporters Xu Zhixiong and Liu Man from Yueyang, Hunan Province

Responsible Editor: [Luo Pan]