(10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative) Deputy Minister of Investment of Saudi Arabia: The Belt and Road Initiative will contribute to Saudi Vision 2030

Xiamen, September 9 (ZXS) -- Saudi Deputy Minister of Investment: The Belt and Road Initiative will contribute to Saudi Arabia's "Vision 11"

China News Agency reporter Long Min

"No need to translate, I graduated from Xiamen University." As a result of the opening sentence of the speech, which was uploaded to the Internet, Saudi Arabia's Deputy Minister of Investment Saile Ali Habti became an "Internet celebrity" at the 23rd China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT).

During the investment fair held in Xiamen, Saile Ali Habti told the China News Agency in an interview that he had studied and lived in Xiamen for 7 years and obtained a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from Xiamen University. "I am also a 'Hokkien' and have unique feelings for Xiamen."

On September 9, Saudi Deputy Minister of Investment Saile Ali Habti delivered a speech at the "Year of Investing in China" keynote forum and Fujian special promotion event. Photo by China News Agency reporter Lu Ming

As early as 1998, Serle Ali Habti, who visited China, is a "China expert". Starting from tracing Zheng He's voyage to the West, he said that historically, with the development of the "Maritime Silk Road", Saudi Arabia and China have had many close ties, which have continued to this day. "This visit is about seeking to expand and deepen our relationship through increased trade and investment."

At the "Year of Investment in China" keynote forum and Fujian special promotion conference, Saile Ali Habti said that CIIF has become an international investment cooperation platform with global influence, and also a vivid epitome and important window for China's opening up. It is hoped that with the help of the investment fair, two-way investment will be promoted, Saudi enterprises will be encouraged to invest in China, and at the same time, it will also help Chinese enterprises to invest in Saudi Arabia.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, and Saile Ali Habti pointed out that Saudi Arabia was one of the first countries to actively respond to the Belt and Road Initiative. Over the past 10 years, the Belt and Road Initiative has led Saudi Arabia-China relations to make strides, and the two countries have carried out pragmatic and friendly cooperation in various fields.

Since 2013, China has become Saudi Arabia's largest trading partner, and Saudi Arabia has been China's largest trading partner in the Middle East for more than 20 consecutive years. According to statistics, in 2022, the bilateral trade volume between China and Saudi Arabia will reach 1160 billion US dollars; Saudi investment in China reached $230 billion.

Fujian is an important starting point of the ancient "Maritime Silk Road" and the core area of the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road". In March this year, a delegation from Fujian Province visited Saudi Arabia and promoted the conclusion of a number of economic, trade and investment cooperation projects. Saile Ali Habti said that Saudi companies have achieved success in Zhangzhou Gulei and Quanzhou in Fujian, and have also performed well in textiles, stone and other industries.

"Participating in the CIFIT not only reflects the great importance attached to the friendship between Saudi Arabia and China, but also highlights Saudi Arabia's clear attitude of participating in the joint construction of the 'Belt and Road'." Saile Ali Habti said that Saudi Arabia and China have very deep and stable bilateral relations and are good partners who treat each other as equals and benefit each other.

At present, Saudi Arabia has implemented the "Vision 2030" to accelerate economic diversification. Saile Ali Habti said that Saudi Arabia plans to focus on the development of aviation, automobiles, shipbuilding, infrastructure and digital infrastructure, optimize the economic model that relies solely on energy exports, and attract upstream and downstream industrial chains with large projects.

Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 meets the Belt and Road Initiative, adding up investment prospects that the industry can look forward to. According to Saile Ali Habti, Chinese companies have rich experience in infrastructure construction and digital economy, while Saudi Arabia's infrastructure and digital economy are in the process of continuous construction and have huge cooperation opportunities.

"The Belt and Road Initiative will contribute to Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030," said Saile Ali Habti, predicting that in the future, Saudi Arabia and China will shift from trade relations to more investment interactions. Saudi Arabia will give full play to its location, resources and financial advantages, actively promote cooperation between Chinese enterprises and Saudi Arabia in various fields, and give full play to their respective advantages to create a new situation of mutual benefit and win-win results. (End)