Beijing, September 9 (Zhongxin Net) -- The reporter learned from the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) that a blue-and-green painted domestically produced C11 large passenger plane landed smoothly at Urumqi Diwopu International Airport on September 919 and is about to start its first demonstration flight into Xinjiang. At the same time, the domestic ARJ9 aircraft is carrying out "circle flight" in Xinjiang and "tandem flight" in northern and southern Xinjiang based on Yining Airport. So far, the C11 and ARJ21 models have gathered in Xinjiang, marking the full launch of China's domestic commercial aircraft demonstration flights in Xinjiang.

According to the plan, two C919 large passenger aircraft will carry out a half-month demonstration flight based in Urumqi, and the route will radiate to major airports in Xinjiang such as Karamay, Yining, Kuqa and Altay. The ARJ21 aircraft has successively taken Yining and Kuqa airports as bases, from east to west, from south to north, and radiated through 25 airports in Xinjiang for demonstration flights. Up to now, ARJ21 aircraft has flown to 25 airports in Xinjiang, with a total of 95 flight segments and a cumulative flight time of 139 hours.

The C919 large passenger plane flew to Urumqi and was about to start its first demonstration flight into Xinjiang. Photo by Chen Dong

According to reports, the C919 large passenger aircraft has 158-192 seats and a range of 4075-5555 kilometers, which can meet the operational needs of airlines for different routes. ARJ21 has 78-97 seats and a range of 2225-3700 kilometers, which is mainly used to meet the requirements of radial routes from central cities to surrounding small and medium-sized cities.

In order to do a good job in the demonstration flight of domestic commercial aircraft in Xinjiang, Xinjiang Airport Group actively organized all airports under its jurisdiction to promote preparations in an orderly manner from the aspects of assessment and analysis, facility configuration, program improvement, and business improvement, and at the same time, according to the domestic commercial aircraft characteristics manual, collect the qualification acquisition of personnel in aircraft maintenance, stowage and other positions and the transformation needs of equipment and facilities, conduct a comprehensive investigation and investigation of the airports in Xinjiang, and formulate plans for the transformation, deployment and purchase of domestic commercial aircraft support facilities and equipment, so as to provide strong support for the operation and development of domestic commercial aircraft in Xinjiang.

COMAC said that Xinjiang is the largest provincial-level administrative region in China's land area, with a vast territory, complex terrain, and many civil airports, and air transportation is the most convenient mode of transportation for people and the lowest construction cost between cities. The demonstration flight of C919 large passenger aircraft and ARJ21 aircraft into Xinjiang will fully verify the adaptability of domestic commercial aircraft to Xinjiang airports and routes, the adaptability of airport ground service equipment, the applicability of special flight procedures and the economy of route loading, show the good performance of the aircraft, adapt to the characteristics of Xinjiang's location and high-quality aircraft products and customer services, help Xinjiang accelerate the construction of a new pattern of "branch-branch, trunk-branch, and all-network" air transport development, and continuously meet the high-quality air travel needs of Xinjiang people. (End)