It is a misreading that existing affordable housing, limited-price housing, co-ownership housing and other affordable housing shall not be listed for trading

The listing of affordable housing in Beijing still implements the original policy

Recently, the news that existing affordable housing, limited-price housing, co-ownership housing and other affordable housing cannot be listed and traded has spread in many real estate self-media. The reporter learned that this news is a misreading, and the listing of existing affordable housing in Beijing is still implemented in accordance with the original policy.

On September 9, a video and telephone conference on the deployment of planning and construction of affordable housing was held in Beijing, which clarified the problems faced by China's planning and construction of affordable housing and the direction of future work. It is proposed that affordable housing should be strictly closed and not listed for trading.

Soon, many real estate self-media captured this statement and interpreted it as: "Existing affordable housing, limited-price housing, co-ownership housing and other affordable housing cannot be listed for trading." This has led to a large number of families who have purchased affordable housing and other affordable housing worried that they will not be able to trade in the future, and even a large number of affordable housing families have concentrated on "economic transfer".

It is understood that the fact that existing affordable housing cannot be listed and traded is actually a misinterpretation, and the listing of existing affordable housing in Beijing is still implemented in accordance with the original policy. Some industry insiders believe that the video and telephone conference held on September 9 is a "meeting on planning and building affordable housing", which is aimed at newly built affordable housing, not existing affordable housing. As for how the new affordable housing will be provided with land, how it will be built, as well as the specific application threshold and placement method, it needs to be further advanced. In other words, existing affordable housing is not affected by the New Deal.

What will be the impact of the implementation of the new regulations for new affordable housing? The reporter noticed that at present, Beijing's affordable housing (except for resettlement housing managed according to affordable housing) and limited-price housing have not been built for many years, and almost no new construction is involved. In addition, for newly planned co-ownership houses, closed management is now implemented, that is, after 5 years, only the share of individual ownership can be transferred to other families who qualify for co-ownership housing. (Beijing Evening News)