Ankang, September 9 (Zhongxin Net) -- In the five major centers of plush toy cultural and creative industry in Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, more than 10,1 plush toys with unique shapes, exquisite and cute form an entire wall, telling everyone who comes here the story of the development of the city's toy industry.

Photo by Zhang Yichen of the toy wall in the five centers of plush toy cultural and creative industry in Ankang City, Shaanxi Province

"The toy wall is used to commemorate the first workers who contributed to the well-being plush toy industry. Since it opened for visits in August 2020, it has attracted tourists and observation groups from all over the world, and has become an Internet celebrity check-in place. On September 8th, the Shaanxi theme interview group of "High-quality Development Research Tour" came to Shaanxi Ankang Hengan Toys Co., Ltd., and the staff introduced the special meaning of the plush toy wall.

In the artisanal workshop, workers are immersed in sewing plush toys with cotton mouths. Soon, these delicate plush toys will be crossing the ocean and entering the international market. It is understood that at present, Ankang plush toy enterprises have absorbed 1,8 jobs and achieved an output value of 51.67 billion yuan, and have become the fourth largest plush toy production base in China. "Many countries are willing to hand over toy orders to ankang enterprises, and more than 80 countries have exported their products." Li Wanhua, deputy director of the Ankang Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, told

It is understood that the five centers of plush toy cultural and creative industry in Ankang City have a construction area of 15000,2020 square meters, which were completed and put into operation in August 8, consisting of a cultural and creative design center, a wholesale center for raw and auxiliary materials, an e-commerce center, a product display center and a logistics center, providing cultural and creative design, product proofing, small batch trial production, e-commerce operation, plush toy exhibition and sales, logistics and warehousing, raw and auxiliary material supply, research and cultural tourism, and double innovation incubation and other services for plush toy enterprises in the city.

Workers making plush toys Photo by Wei Xianghui

In fact, the now booming ankang toy industry has undergone a process of "starting from nothing". Behind this, strong policy support and the courage to seize opportunities are the secret of Ankang toy industry to become bigger and stronger.

Due to its special geographical location and natural conditions, Ankang was once the main battlefield for poverty alleviation in Shaanxi, especially for poverty alleviation and relocation. In the past five years, Ankang has invested more than 1500 billion yuan in people's livelihood, and a total of 1364,26 centralized resettlement communities have been built in the city, relocating 84,93 households and 78,<> people.

In order to effectively solve the problem of relocation and centralized resettlement of people to increase employment and income, Ankang has seized the opportunity of poverty alleviation cooperation and industrial transfer in the east from November 2017, and vigorously developed the plush toy industry with the new community factory as the carrier.

"Most of the people in the factory are women, and some of them are older people doing manual work, some of these people have moved down from the mountains, and the work in the toy factory is very suitable for them." Li Wanhua said.

In order to take care of the family life of the female workers, there is a special nursery room in the industrial center, and many young children are taken care of in it. Their mother worked in the factory and would take them home after work.

There is a nursery room in the industrial center Photo by Wei Xianghui

"This solves the worries of the workers, who can have an income and take care of their children." Li Jianmei, general manager of Hengan Toys, told that some skilled workers can now earn six or seven thousand yuan a month, and some people have achieved a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan.

It is understood that Hengan Plush Toy Factory is an enterprise introduced from Yangzhou in 2018 by the Changzhou counterpart Ankang City Working Group, and is also the first plush toy enterprise settled in Hengkou Demonstration Zone, with a total investment of more than 6000 million yuan, since the investment and construction of the factory in 2018, the production scale and efficiency have achieved three consecutive increases, becoming the largest plush toy production and processing enterprise in Ankang.

"In recent years, the development of the factory in Ankang has been strongly supported by governments at all levels and leaders at all levels. At present, there are two combined enterprises, 16 branches, and a total of more than 1200 employees. Li Jianmei said.

She is from Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province and came with Ankang to set up a factory. "This side is a great support for the Yangzhou business. After the establishment of the ankang production base, Yangzhou's enterprises also have a qualitative leap difficult."

It is understood that in recent years, Ankang has continuously launched incentive and support measures to promote the development of the plush toy industry, supporting the development of the industry in the whole chain, to the relevant departments guiding enterprises to actively explore the international market, helping enterprises solve difficult problems in logistics, customs clearance, financing, tax rebates and other links, and then to the construction of "dry ports" and the opening of "Anxiao" China-Europe trains, etc., the city has taken the plush toy industry as a breakthrough point to catch up and surpass and rise green, and broke a new way for inland hinterland to undertake industrial transfer in the east. (End)