China News Network Liao, September 9 Topic: "New farmers" returning to their hometowns in Inner Mongolia: Intensive agricultural fertile soil empowers rural revitalization

China News Network reporter Zhang Linhu

"No matter how nice it is outside, it's not your home." Early in autumn morning, Zhuang Liyuan's farmhouse welcomed several admiring tourists.

Going out of the village and into the city is the life trajectory of many rural youths. When her peers were going out, Zhuang Liyuan of Baoan Farm in Kailu County, Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, chose to "return to the nest retrograde" and become a full-fledged "new farmer".

The picture shows Zhuang Liyuan making flapjacks in the farmyard. Photo by Bi Letao

In the endless heartnut orchard, the red fruit is full of branches, which is mouth-watering; In the sparkling fish pond, fatty fish churn and jump. Magnificent natural scenery, strong rural atmosphere, fresh fruits and vegetables, attracting many tourists to visit and check in...

Moli Temple Library is located 45 kilometers southwest of Tongliao City, where the water and grass are abundant, the fish and sheep are fat, the scenery is beautiful, the birds are singing and flowers, and it is known as "Tongliao West Lake".

Zhuang Liyuan saw the development prospects of the Molimiao Reservoir, and on the basis of the original rural tourism and picking, added catering projects and built a farmhouse.

Zhuang Liyuan's biggest confidence in developing rural tourism comes from her family's 500 acres of green chicken heart fruit orchard.

Chicken heartfruit, also known as splendid begonia, is called chicken heartfruit because its fruit is shaped like a chicken heart and colored like blood. In the 20s of the 90th century, when the Tongliao Academy of Forestry carried out the selection of fruit tree varieties in the city, it discovered this variety and carried out breeding research.

This year, Zhuang Liyuan's chicken heart fruit orchard ushered in the peak fruit period, due to scientific management and good quality, chicken heart fruit has not yet been marketed, it has been fully ordered. But only Zhuang Liyuan knows the hardships.

The picture shows Zhuang Liyuan and his wife walking in the harvest orchard. Photo by Lui Zhimin

"After returning to my hometown, I was also confused and confused." Zhuang Liyuan said that although the Internet is very developed, there are still insurmountable information barriers and ideological barriers between cities and villages.

Continuous learning and acceptance of new knowledge, coupled with the encouragement and persistence of her lover, is the secret of Zhuang Liyuan's motivation after returning home. "My lover is a veteran, especially hard-working and resilient. In the spring, when the cultivated land had just melted, we would use a shovel to level the ground, finish leveling the ground and then black soil, then level, and finally drill the hole with a one-meter-square eye-punching machine, which was particularly hard. ”

"When we first started planting, many people didn't understand, saying that the larger the area, the harder it was to sell. However, I think that only when the scale is reached, more and more people will come to us directly to buy, and the industrial chain can be extended. Zhuang Liyuan always believes that as long as the product is good, it must not worry about selling, and the wine aroma is not afraid of the deep alley.

Finally, in 2019, Zhuang Liyuan's chicken heartnuts registered a trademark. In 2023, her chicken heartnuts passed the certification of green food.

The picture shows workers busy packing boxes and shipping. Photo by Bi Letao

In order to drive the villagers to increase their income and employment, Zhuang Liyuan set up a cooperative, and at the same time taught the tree planting skills that she wanted to start a business free of charge to help fruit farmers solve difficulties and increase their income.

In addition, Zhuang Liyuan regards agricultural tourism as a new engine to increase income and become rich, and the ecological environment of blue sky, blue trees and pure land has helped the development of the industry, and the heating up of agricultural tourism has also allowed more villagers to participate in farmhouse management and fruit picking.

Recalling the entrepreneurial road of herself and her family, Zhuang Liyuan sighed with emotion. "Both of us are not content with the status quo, we don't want to work from 9 to 5, we want to do something through our own efforts, so that we will not regret it when we are old."

Now, Zhuang Liyuan has appeared, her lover has filmed, and "e-commerce + live broadcast" allows agricultural products in the depths of the grassland to appear in the "clouds" and fly to all parts of the country. The husband and wife cooperate tacitly and live as the envy of others.

The picture shows Zhuang Liyuan broadcasting live in the orchard. Photo by Lui Zhimin

"Next, I want to do this live broadcast well and expand the number of fans, not only to promote the popularity of our hometown Kailu, but also to increase our income, killing two birds with one stone." Zhuang Liyuan introduced that in the future, she also wants to get a piece of land to do agricultural experience, extend the industrial chain, make more and more good scenery into a good money scene, and empower rural revitalization. (End)