In the recent decade, affiliate marketing proved invaluable for businesses to expand their reach and drive sales. However, sometimes navigating the fine line between effective marketing and affiliates going too far can be challenging. This “too far” can manifest differently from clickbaiting and unethical marketing practices to outright lies and fraudulent activity. At the latter part of the spectrum lies trademark infringement, one of the most sinister marketing pitfalls for any company.  


Trademark infringement occurs when a trademarked brand name, logo, or other distinctive element is used without proper authorization. This unauthorized use can lead to consumer confusion, dilution of the trademark's distinctiveness, a negative impact on the brand owner's reputation, or even legal challenge by customers or relevant authorities in case the infringement leads to damages or constitutes fraud.


Betsson Casino, a prominent player in the online gambling industry, found itself in hot water when Finnish regulators imposed a hefty fine of €2.4 million on the company for breaching marketing regulations. The breach involved Betsson's affiliate partners using marketing materials that were non-compliant and potentially misleading. Be it with or without company’s authorization, ultimately any business may be deemed responsible for the unethical marketing practices of its affiliates. Thus anyone who is not careful to monitor their affiliates risks a similar fate to that of Betsson.

Remember, that such serious breaches can not only result in financial penalties but also tarnish a brand's image and lead to long-term business implications.


Conduct Thorough Research

Engage in thorough research to identify existing trademarks in your industry. This research will aid in avoiding inadvertent trademark infringement and ensure comprehensive trademark protection.

 Obtain Explicit Permissions

Prior to using any trademark in your marketing campaigns, obtain explicit permission from trademark owners. This practice demonstrates respect for trademark rights and prevents legal entanglements.

 Ensure Clear Disclosures

Make sure affiliates provide clear disclosures on their affiliation with your brand as required by law in many jurisdictions. It will prevent potential legal disputes and accidental trademark non-compliance.   

 Monitor Affiliate Partners

Vigilantly monitor the marketing activities of your affiliate partners to ensure their compliance with trademark regulations. Continuous oversight ensures your brand and trademark in always protected.

 Stay Updated with Marketing Regulations

Maintain an updated knowledge of trademark laws and regulations. This proactive approach helps ensure that your marketing practices remain compliant and your trademark protection efforts are solid.

 Trademark Quality Control

Establish and maintain stringent quality control over your marketing materials. This practice is pivotal in preventing the creation and dissemination of misleading content that might infringe upon trademark rights.

 Remember: trademark infringement in affiliate marketing is a serious offense with potential legal, reputational, and financial consequences. The Betsson Casino case serves as a stark reminder that violating trademark regulations can have far-reaching implications.

That’s why companies should prioritize trademark protection and invest resources into close monitoring and directing their affiliates. To avoid any pitfalls and potential infringement, prevention strategies must be put in place. Employees and affiliates alike should be educated on the importance of trademark protection, not just as a legal requirement but an integral part of maintaining a reputable and successful business.