Teller Report

The Daily Update: The Act in Utrecht - What's known about the motives so far

3/21/2019, 1:25:32 AM

Here you will find the most important news of the day, the most popular stories of SPIEGEL + and tips for your end of workday. The topic of the day: The deed of Utrecht "Four trams after my train it happened," says the 17-year-old, then ...

Here you will find the most important news of the day, the most popular stories of SPIEGEL + and tips for your end of workday.

The theme of the day: The act of Utrecht

"Four trams after my orbit it happened," says the 17-year-old, then he gets on the train, which leads him to where a man has shot three people the day before. "I'm not scared today, you caught the culprit."

Got it, yes: The 37-year-old Turkish-born Gökmen T. has been in custody since Monday night.

Does one know his motive? No. Furthermore, it is completely unclear why the man killed three people on Monday and injured six people, sometimes severely. Today, the investigators said evidence of a terrorist motive would be examined. In the escort car a letter was found that pointed in this direction, but did not exclude other motives.

My colleague Claus Hecking researches in Utrecht. He writes that the offense hits the Netherlands at a difficult time, as of tomorrow provincial elections take place nationwide. "A test for the increasingly unpopular, fragile four-party government of Prime Minister Mark Rutte." Right-wing politicians in the country are already in the mood. For video analysis.

But he also describes how in Utrecht normal life goes on, must go on. Here you can read his reportage.

The number of the day: 2,000,000,000

So many people - more than two billion - lack sustainable access to clean drinking water. This is reported by the United Nations. We here in Germany are supplied with drinking water so comprehensively that we can afford to worry about the shortage of wine bottles. Meanwhile, billions of people lack the vital water good. Which regions are particularly affected.


Child in the Chinese Autonomous Region Xinjiang-Uighur

News: What you need to know today

  • The Hessian SPD chairman Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel gives up all posts. According to media reports, he wants to give up his parliamentary mandate and thus the chairmanship of the group in the fall and not run for the presidency of the SPD.
  • The majority of Germans see immigration as an opportunity. This is shown by a study by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The researchers asked - three years after "We Can Do It" - what the mood in the country is in terms of migration.
  • The auction of 5G radio frequencies has begun. The federal government can hope for billions in revenue. Why 5G is so important for the digital location Germany, read in this 'Finally understandable'.
  • The economies have significantly lowered their forecast for the current year. For 2019, they expect gross domestic product to grow by 0.8 percent. The boom is "over for the time being".

Opinion: The most discussed comments, interviews, essays

Here genius, there genitals: With the many feminist debates, the panic of some men is growing, losing control. Too much female sexuality, too many vulvas - fear right and left intellectuals. The column by Margarete Stokowski.

Congratulation! You can buy a house for 30,000 euros. Do you also think about buying a property? What you should consider, explains Harald Schmidt. Here is the video.


Stories: The most read texts at SPIEGEL +

"The behavior of the British is an imposition": Ian Kershaw raves about German chancellors and attacks British Prime Minister, the Brexit policy of Theresa May was a disaster. The historian considers this verdict fair.

Yes, Thea and Thomas Gottschalk have separated. After 40 years of marriage. But what makes the difference? Why does one couple split while the other happily stays together? Why most couples start their relationship far too late?

The fireworks: The US Army threw 288 million bombs between 1964 and 1973 from Laos. The women of Team 21 want to free the country from the duds - village by village, field by field. See the visual story here.

Christian Werner / THE MIRROR

The quote of the day: "Mr. Grenell is a diplomatic total failure"

So said by Carsten Schneider, the parliamentary director of the SPD. He responded to the criticism of US Ambassador Richard Grenell. He had commented on the budget of Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz. Many German politicians reacted angrily - Angela Merkel rejected the criticism.

My evening: the recommendations for your end of workday

What you can look at: A "small, bumpy-unfocused, but very charming sitcom". Says my colleague Andreas Borcholte about the first season of "Turn Up Charlie". With: Idris Elba - one of the big TV and cinema stars of these days. The pictures, the trailer, the criticism - and where you can see it.


Idris Elba

And if you are through with the sitcom: Could you click to sleep through the images of the coral reef in Italy. Coral? In Italy? Yes, that's right, the reef was discovered in the Adriatic, in front of the town of Monopoli in Puglia. The pictures.

Ah - or you hear the podcast "Three Fathers", episode three. This way, a lot of fun.

I wish you a nice finishing time.


Maria Stöhr from the Daily Team

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