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The first "Ministerial Channel", four ministers responded to these hot issues

3/5/2024, 8:57:36 AM

Highlights: The first "Ministerial Channel", four ministers responded to these hot issues. "Let young people really concentrate on scientific research" "Comprehensive acceleration of water conservancy construction" "Food production figures are true and reliable" "The development of new productive forces ultimately depends on talents"...   On the 5th, at the first "ministerial aisle" of the second session of the 14th National People's Congress, Minister of Science and Technology Yin Hejun said that more than 1,100 are currently led by young scientists under the age of 40.

  China News Service, March 5th "Let young people really concentrate on scientific research" "Comprehensive acceleration of water conservancy construction" "Food production figures are true and reliable" "The development of new productive forces ultimately depends on talents"...

  On the 5th, at the first "ministerial aisle" of the second session of the 14th National People's Congress, Minister of Science and Technology Yin Hejun, Minister of Water Resources Li Guoying, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Tang Renjian, and Director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council Zhang Yuzhuo made appearances respectively. What were the key points mentioned?

Video: [30 seconds of the two sessions] Minister of Science and Technology Yin Hejun: The export growth rate of the "three new items" is very gratifying

Source: China News Network

"Let young people really concentrate on scientific research"

  Yin Hejun, Minister of Science and Technology, said that among the national key R&D projects, more than 1,100 are currently led by young scientists under the age of 40. This number has reached more than 20% of the total. In many countries, major projects Young people can be seen everywhere in science and technology projects.

  Yin Hejun said that the cultivation of young scientific and technological talents should be regarded as a long-term strategic task, and we should continue to work hard to create a good scientific research environment for their growth and development.

“At work, we provide young people with opportunities, build platforms, and create an environment. In life, we help them solve their worries, especially key concerns such as salary, family life, and physical and mental health. Let young people really concentrate on scientific research and mobilize and stimulate their creativity."

  Yin Hejun introduced that in terms of investment, the national R&D investment in 2023 will exceed 3.3 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.1% over 2022, and the R&D investment intensity will reach 2.64%.

In terms of results, a number of major original achievements have been achieved in fields such as quantum technology, integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, biomedicine, and new energy.

The world's first fourth-generation nuclear power plant was officially put into operation, the C919 large aircraft was put into commercial operation, and the export growth rate of new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, and photovoltaic modules was gratifying last year.

Video: [30 seconds of the two sessions] Minister of Water Resources Li Guoying: A national water network will be built by 2035.

Source: China News Network

“A national water network will be built by 2035”

  Li Guoying, Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources, introduced that in 2023, my country's water conservancy construction will accelerate across the board. Investment in water conservancy construction will be 1,199.6 billion yuan throughout the year, an increase of 10.1% over the previous year, setting a record. This 1,199.6 billion yuan investment will be implemented through the implementation of 41,014 water conservancy projects. Finish.

  "The implementation of a total of 41,014 water conservancy projects will further enhance the ability to prevent floods and droughts, conserve and intensively utilize water resources, optimize the allocation of water resources, and protect and manage rivers and lakes ecology, thus further contributing to national flood control security, water supply security, and food security. Safety and ecological security provide strong support and guarantee." Li Guoying said.

  Li Guoying also revealed that the national water network will be built by 2035 to achieve the goals of "complete system, safe and reliable, intensive and efficient, green and intelligent, smooth circulation, and orderly regulation", and form a national water security system that is compatible with the basic realization of socialist modernization. Security System.

  “At present, the Ministry of Water Resources has fully decomposed and refined the key tasks deployed in the National Water Network Construction Plan Outline, implemented them one by one into specific engineering projects, and implemented them into the annual promotion plan one by one, and established and improved the coordination of engineering projects. We will actively work hard to promote the mechanism, pay close attention to implementation, promote the implementation of engineering projects in a scientific and orderly manner in accordance with laws and regulations, and ensure that the goals and tasks of national water network construction are completed as scheduled."

Video: [30 seconds of the two sessions] Tang Renjian, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: The three major staple foods have fully realized basic mechanization.

Source: China News Network

"Grain production figures are true and reliable"

  "There are some questions about our food security. The basic meaning here is to tell everyone clearly and responsibly that our food production figures are true, reliable and completely credible." On the "Ministerial Channel", Tang Renjian, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, responded to social concerns.

  Tang Renjian said that science and technology are now very advanced. With satellite images and remote sensing, it is actually clear how much grain has been planted and how much grain has been harvested.

If you want to falsify and falsely report these numbers on a large scale, it is impossible and will never be allowed.

  "Nowhere has made emergency food transfers to the central government. Therefore, food is a necessity and a necessity. As long as there is less, the market and prices will definitely reflect it." Tang Renjian said.

  Data show that in 2023, my country's total grain output reached 1,390.8 billion kilograms, an increase of 17.76 billion kilograms over 2022, setting a new record high. The per capita grain possession reached 493 kilograms, an increase of 7 kilograms over 2022.

“The ecosystem for developing new productive forces must be created by everyone together.”

  Zhang Yuzhuo, director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, used three words to describe how central enterprises plan to promote high-quality development this year: "High" means high-level collaboration; "Quality" means effective improvement of quality; "Quantity" means quantity. reasonable growth.

  When talking about "promoting central enterprises to strengthen their main role in scientific and technological innovation, lay out new fields and new tracks, and accelerate the development of new productive forces", Zhang Yuzhuo said that how central enterprises will develop in the future, the first is the "source", the source of technology; the second One is "sheng", industrial upgrading; the third is "state", industrial ecology, which together are "source", "sheng" and "state".

  Zhang Yuzhuo pointed out that the ecosystem for developing new productive forces must be created by everyone, and central enterprises must be opened up.

"It is necessary to abandon some backward concepts in the past, such as short-term investment and short-term profits. In the past, some pursued scale, and some pursued escaping reality to make quick money. Now it is clearly required that central enterprises must establish a new quality productivity and make a difference. concept.”

  Zhang Yuzhuo said that the development of new productive forces ultimately depends on talents.

"There are now 1.2 million scientific and technological talents in central enterprises, and there are a large number of innovative entrepreneurs. We must vigorously promote the spirit of scientists and outstanding entrepreneurial spirit, and encourage our scientific and technological workers to dare to take the most difficult road and dare to climb the highest. Mountains, dare to conquer the strongest fortress, and make due contributions to the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with our concrete actions." (End)