Teller Report

They remove the three chimneys from 11 ghost kitchens located in front of a school in Delicias

3/2/2024, 1:15:46 AM

Highlights: They remove the three chimneys from 11 ghost kitchens located in front of a school in Delicias. After a long legal process, the Contentious-Administrative Court No. 3 once demolished this industrial kitchen, declaring its license null and void. In the video you could see how an operator struggled to undock one of these chimneys, more than two meters high, while, in the background, schoolchildren were playing in the yard. By lunchtime, there were no longer any metal cylinders visible.

The association of families of students from the Miguel de Unamuno school, located in the district of Arganzuela, celebrated this Thursday, attaching a video on the social network X,...



Updated Saturday, March 2, 2024-00:04

The association of families of students from the Miguel de Unamuno school, located in the district of Arganzuela, celebrated this Thursday, attaching a video on the social network to the

11 ghost kitchens

with which they have been on a warpath for years.

After a long legal process, the Contentious-Administrative Court No. 3 once demolished this industrial kitchen, declaring its license null and void.

«It has been more than a year since the families and neighborhood managed to close the ghost kitchens that the Madrid City Council allowed to be installed next to our school,

but the chimneys were still there.

Today they have been removed from the place where they should never have been,” this school association pointed out.

In the video you could see how an operator

struggled to undock one of these chimneys

, more than two meters high, while, in the background, schoolchildren were playing in the yard.

By lunchtime, there were no longer any metal cylinders visible.

«After two judicial victories that have convincingly proven us right, we are still waiting for

a recognition of the error and an apology from the political leaders

of the Madrid City Council who allowed a business to be installed in an industrial estate next to a school with 900 minors.

We teach our daughters and sons daily that

when we make mistakes we have to know how to recognize it and ask for forgiveness

. At what point is someone allowed to be responsible for anything without having internalized this teaching?," they asked from this same association.

It was the councilor of the Urban Development Area, Mariano Fuentes, who ratified the cessation of activity of these industrial kitchens, alleging that, after various inspections, in July 2022 some works had been detected that were not covered by the granted license.

As they modified the original distribution that did have the approval of the Consistory, that August

an order of cessation and immediate stoppage was issued.

"After new inspections and a visit carried out on September 9 by the Municipal Police, it was confirmed that

this industrial activity was being dismantled

," Fuentes pointed out.

Likewise, the Contentious-Administrative Court number 3 of Madrid alleged that these facilities - where the dishes for home delivery orders are cooked - lacked an environmental impact report, a legal report and that they did not

comply with urban planning regulations.