Teller Report

Testimony of a former detainee in the occupation prisons: I thought they were going to execute us

3/2/2024, 10:14:07 PM

Highlights: Testimony of a former detainee in the occupation prisons: I thought they were going to execute us. Nabila - who spent 47 days in Israeli prisons - added that she was searched and interrogated at gunpoint. She described the difficult conditions in which the detainees were living, and said: "We froze from the cold and were forced to remain on our knees. We were handcuffed, blindfolded, and had our feet chained." She confirmed that Israeli soldiers stormed the UNRWA school, ordered the men to take off their clothes and took the women to the mosque to search them.

Nabila, a former detainee from the Gaza Strip, narrated the circumstances of her arrest by the occupation forces during their storming of a school belonging to the refugee relief organization “UNRWA” in the Strip.

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Video duration 02 minutes 59 seconds 02:59

Nabila, a former detainee from the Gaza Strip, narrated the circumstances of her arrest by the occupation forces during their storming of a school belonging to the refugee relief organization “UNRWA” in the Strip.

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She confirmed that Israeli soldiers stormed the UNRWA school, ordered the men to take off their clothes, and took the women to the mosque to search them.

Nabila - who spent 47 days in Israeli prisons - added that she was searched and interrogated at gunpoint, and that she felt so terrified that she thought the Israeli soldiers would execute her.

She described the difficult conditions in which the detainees were living, and said: "We froze from the cold and were forced to remain on our knees. We were handcuffed, blindfolded, and had our feet chained."