Teller Report

Les Enfoirés on TF1 attracted 8.5 million viewers

3/2/2024, 1:43:56 PM

Highlights: Les Enfoirés on TF1 attracted 8.5 million viewers. It was an anniversary edition, for the 35th anniversary of the creation of this Restos du Cœur concert by Coluche. Around fifty artists participated in this 2024 edition. A CD or DVD of the concert purchased is equivalent to 17 meals offered to RestosDuCŢur. The revenue collected from this show allows Restos DuCŚur to help the most deprived by offering them meals.

The Enfoirés concert, broadcast Friday evening on TF1, was followed by 8.5 million viewers, the best audience in three years. It was an anniversary edition, for the 35th anniversary of the creation of this Restos du Cœur concert by Coluche. Around fifty artists participated in this 2024 edition.

Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: TF1 (Illustration) 2:40 p.m., March 2, 2024

The Enfoirés concert, broadcast Friday evening on TF1, was followed by 8.5 million viewers, the best audience in three years.

It was an anniversary edition, for the 35th anniversary of the creation of this Restos du Cœur concert by Coluche.

Around fifty artists participated in this 2024 edition.

The concert “Enfoirés 2024, we are 35 years old!”, proposed by Les Restos du Cœur, was followed by 8.5 million viewers on TF1 on Friday evening, the best audience in three years, according to Médiamétrie figures cited by chain.

This anniversary edition peaked at 9.1 million viewers.

Over the entire evening, the audience share stood at 46%, a record for eight years, says TF1.

The musical show, recorded in Bordeaux, "thus allows TF1 to achieve its best audience, and more broadly the best television audience since the start of the year", according to a press release.

However, far from the figures for 2019 (8.9 million viewers), 2017 (10.1 million), 2016 (11.6 million) or 2015 (11.4 million).

39th major national collection this weekend

Bringing together some of the faithful who responded to Coluche's call since 1985, around fifty artists participated in this 2024 edition, with new faces like Santa, Claudia Tagbo, Gaëtan Roussel and Ycare.

The revenue collected from this show allows Restos du Cœur to help the most deprived by offering them meals.

A CD or DVD of the concert purchased is equivalent to 17 meals offered to Restos du Cœur, which is organizing its 39th major national collection this weekend in stores with the aim of 9,000 tonnes of donations, at a time when requests for help continue to flow.


 “There is an obscenity…”: Laurent Ruquier tackles the stars who participate in the Restos du Cœur

Last year, the Restos du Cœur, which provides 35% of food aid in France, welcomed 1.3 million people.

This influx put the association in difficulty, both logistically and financially.

It has therefore resigned itself to reducing the number of its beneficiaries this winter.

Its president Patrice Douret estimates that between 165 and 168 million meals will be distributed this year, compared to 171 million in 2023 and 142 million in 2022.