Teller Report

(Voice of the Two Sessions) Liu Yonghao: Legislating for the private economy is a good thing and a major event

3/2/2024, 5:34:09 AM

Highlights: Liu Yonghao is a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of New Hope Group. He said that enhancing the vitality of the private economy is an important driving force for social transformation and development. He hopes that national legislation will ensure that private enterprises are treated equally like all other enterprises. "Legislation guarantees the basic rights of private enterprises and regulates their behavior. This is what a society ruled by law must do," Liu Yongha said.

  China News Service, Beijing, March 2 (Reporter Xia Bin) The drafting of the Private Economy Promotion Law has been launched recently.

Liu Yonghao, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of New Hope Group, said in a recent interview with China News Service and other media in Beijing that legislating for the private economy is a good thing and a major event, and is an important part of promoting the country's high-quality development.

  Liu Yonghao brought 6 proposals this year, focusing on topics such as enhancing the vitality of the private economy and promoting the high-quality development of the pig industry.

He said that enhancing the vitality of the private economy is an important driving force for social transformation and development. Private enterprises have emerged as a number of outstanding players in new energy vehicles and other industries, promoting China's manufacturing to the world. Private enterprises are mature, although some companies are facing pressure. , but are still actively working on it.

  In recent years, affected by the internal and external environment, the private economy has encountered some "growing pains."

Liu Yonghao believes that there are many reasons for this situation.

For example, the economy has experienced "pains" in transition from high-speed growth to high-quality growth; the growth of some supporting industries has declined due to factors such as transformation and cycles, and the asset-liability ratio of some enterprises has increased; some private enterprises have shown wait-and-see sentiments.

  Liu Yonghao put forward three suggestions on how to further enhance the vitality of the private economy.

First, leading enterprises in key industries have a great social impact and industry-leading role. They can establish a "one-on-one" and "point-to-point" green communication mechanism, and "one enterprise, one policy" can accurately meet the needs of enterprises, help enterprises overcome difficulties, and strengthen private leadership. The ability of all enterprises to promote the integrated development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

  The second is to provide financial and capital support to qualified enterprises in special periods, not to withdraw loans during special difficult periods, and to provide support in terms of new loans and bond issuance guarantees and credit enhancements.

  Third, the opinions of relevant parties should be solicited before the introduction of industrial adjustment policies to avoid major impacts on the industry and related enterprises.

  The drafting of the Private Economy Promotion Law has been launched recently.

In this regard, Liu Yonghao said bluntly that legislating for the private economy is a good thing and a major event, and is an important link in promoting the country's high-quality development. He hopes that national legislation will ensure that private enterprises are treated equally like all other enterprises.

"Legislation guarantees the basic rights of private enterprises and regulates their behavior. This is what a society ruled by law must do." (End)