Teller Report

Why is "Introduction to the Chinese National Community" a "golden textbook"?

3/1/2024, 5:04:11 AM

Highlights: "Introduction to the Chinese National Community" will be distributed nationwide from that day on. The construction of teaching materials is a national matter, embodies the national will, is a strategic project related to the future, and a basic project for building souls and educating people. The National Ethnic Affairs Commission regards the construction of the "Introduction" teaching material as a national-level political project, as an academic project to establish one's own theory, and as an educational project to focus on the soul. The compilation work is done in accordance with the standards of high-quality ideological and political course teaching materials.

  On February 27, in the conference room on the third floor of the Palace of Nationalities and Culture in Beijing, the simple and elegant red and gray "Introduction to the Community of the Chinese Nation" (hereinafter referred to as "Introduction") was neatly displayed and overflowing with the aroma of books. It will be distributed nationwide from that day on.

On the same day, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission held a symposium on the publication of "Introduction" in Beijing, marking the successful completion of the compilation and publication of the textbook.

▲Cover of "Introduction to the Chinese National Community".

  Dimensions textbook, Yoyo State Affairs.

The construction of teaching materials is a national matter, embodies the national will, is a strategic project related to the future, and a basic project for building souls and educating people.

Compiling and publishing the "Introduction" textbook is an urgent need to fully, accurately and comprehensively interpret General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on strengthening and improving ethnic work, to build a scientific and complete theoretical system of the Chinese nation's community, and to deepen and solidify the consciousness of the Chinese nation's community. education and promote the construction of a community of the Chinese nation.

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the construction of teaching materials. During the ninth collective study session of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee in 2023, he specifically emphasized the compilation and use of teaching materials such as "Introduction to the Community of the Chinese Nation".

  The National Ethnic Affairs Commission regards the construction of the "Introduction" teaching material as a national-level political project, as an academic project to establish one's own theory, and as an educational project to focus on the soul. The compilation work is done in accordance with the standards of high-quality ideological and political course teaching materials, based on the Chinese nation It has a long history, adheres to the "two combinations", follows the historical logic and theoretical logic of the development of the Chinese nation, scientifically reveals the principles, academic principles, and philosophies of the formation and development of the Chinese nation, achieves breakthroughs in major theoretical and practical issues in the field of ethnology, and fills the gap of casting. There is a gap in the nationally compiled textbooks for the awareness education of the Chinese nation’s community.

An authoritative textbook that transcends traditional dynastic and ethnic history

  In November 2020, the Ministry of Education determined that the National Ethnic Affairs Commission would be responsible for compiling and reviewing a national unified textbook "Introduction to the Chinese National Community".

  The teaching materials should start from the overall perspective of the Chinese nation, conduct a new review of the Chinese nation's historical view, build a Chinese nation community historical material system, discourse system, and theoretical system, guide young students to establish a correct view of the Chinese nation's history, and deeply ingrain the spirit of sharing weal and woe. The concept of a community that shares weal and woe, life and death, and destiny.

  This is an extremely grand test paper, covering thousands of years of the development history of the Chinese nation and spanning the political, economic, social and cultural creations of all ethnic groups. It has not been compiled in the past, and there is no experience to draw from.

▲Scene of the symposium on the publication of "Introduction to the Chinese National Community".

  This is a very challenging job. It is not just about compiling textbooks. It actually involves reversing some of the cognitions that have been inherent in people’s minds for a long time, reconstructing and innovating theory, and integrating the compilation of textbooks with theory. The research and discipline construction are integrated and promoted, and efforts are made to build a discipline system, academic system and discourse system that solidifies the education of the Chinese nation’s community consciousness.

  In order to compile the "Introduction" textbook, Pan Yue, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the National Ethnic Affairs Commission, took office in 2022 and personally served as director of the editorial committee, forming a top domestic writing team that brought together political science, sociology, culture, and history. It covers more than 100 senior scholars from more than 30 universities and research institutes in fields such as science, archeology, architecture, and art.

  "We must adhere to the theory of history and theory from history, base on the overall perspective of the Chinese nation, transcend the traditional dynasty history and the history of various ethnic groups, carry out interdisciplinary arguments from the political, economic, social and cultural dimensions, and publicize and interpret the correct history of the Chinese nation. Observation." This principle is engraved in the hearts of every member of the textbook writing team.

  After repeated discussions and scientific demonstrations, the compilation framework of the "Introduction" textbook was determined to be 16 lectures.

The first two lectures of the book are the theory of the Chinese national community; the third to the fifteenth lectures use a large number of historical facts to explain the historical context, internal laws, and main characteristics of the evolution of the "three intersections" of the Chinese national community at each historical stage, and refute errors tit for tat. Historical perspective, responding to theoretical difficulties; Lecture 16 is based on a century of changes, and explains the relationship between the Chinese national community and the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind through comparison between China and the West.

  Time was tight and the task was heavy. The experts in the writing team raced against time to collect materials and write the manuscript with a sense of urgency.

Even when the COVID-19 epidemic was at its worst, many experts did not interrupt their writing work despite falling ill.

  With the careful polishing and joint research of experts in the writing team, the "Introduction" textbook was formulated for soliciting opinions in April 2023. The trial version was completed in late July and achieved phased results - the book has a total of 16 lectures and more than 400,000 words, based on chronological history. The longitude is based on politics, economy, society and culture, and closely follows the historical development context of the exchanges, exchanges and integration of the Chinese nation in different periods. It focuses on "interaction" and the key is "integration". The most important feature is "theory is based on historical trends and the theory is derived from history." .

  Quality is the lifeline of teaching materials.

In the process of compiling the textbooks, based on the principle of writing, testing and improving, the National Ethnic Affairs Commission has tried it out in more than 240 universities across the country, including commission-affiliated universities, in 2023, and collected nearly 400 feedback from universities; it held 16 meetings The special review meeting extensively solicited the opinions of relevant departments such as the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and experts and scholars, and revised and improved the teaching materials item by item for seven rounds, striving for excellence.

  "This is my country's first textbook about the Chinese nation community." Yang Shengmin, a professor at the Minzu University of China, said, "For scholars, it can be compiled in easy-to-understand and simple language so that students in various majors can understand it. Textbooks are more difficult than writing academic books.”

  In November 2023, the "Introduction" was finalized and handed over to Higher Education Press and Nationalities Press for joint publication.

  After receiving the publishing task, the Higher Education Press attached great importance to it and made full efforts to promote the publication of this book as the "No. 1 Project" of the whole society. It selected more than 20 professional editors with multi-disciplinary backgrounds to focus on key issues and raised issues such as professional knowledge and content structure. Effective suggestions for optimization and improvement; before official publication, we conducted four rounds of readings and two rounds of quality inspection on the manuscript with the Nationalities Publishing House to ensure the creation of an authoritative textbook that can withstand the test of history.

  After careful polishing through multiple reviews, cross-reviews, pre-press reading and other processes, the officially published "Introduction" textbook has strong standardization, rigor and appropriateness, and has gathered relevant ministries, experts, scholars and teachers from various schools. The wisdom of life embodies the long-term mission and responsibility of children of all ethnic groups in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Groundbreaking "golden textbook"

  At the symposium on the publication of "Introduction", the participating experts and scholars unanimously believed that the "Introduction" textbook has a lofty position, prominent main lines, distinctive features, and flesh and blood. It is a "golden textbook" and has great influence on the education of the awareness of the Chinese nation's community. Groundbreaking and pioneering significance.

  ——The first textbook to systematically explain General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on strengthening and improving ethnic work.

The textbook implements the requirements emphasized by General Secretary Xi Jinping to "based on the long history of the Chinese nation and strengthen the construction of the theoretical system of the Chinese nation community", and clearly explains the principles, academic theories, and philosophies of the formation and development of the Chinese nation.

  He Xingliang, a professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the textbook adheres to the important thoughts of General Secretary Xi Jinping as the fundamental basis and uses historical laws and historical facts to prove it. It has a strong political, ideological and educational nature and is the most cutting-edge and most complete in the current ethnology field. theoretical textbook.

  ——The first textbook to analyze the history of the Chinese nation from the overall perspective of the Chinese nation.

The textbook is based on the Chinese nation as a whole, closely follows the history of exchanges, exchanges and integration of various ethnic groups, presents the history of the Chinese nation completely and objectively, and systematically and comprehensively discusses the integration and evolution process of the Chinese nation.

  Ma Rong, a professor at Peking University, believes that the "Introduction" textbook introduces the historical evolution of the Chinese nation community in detail according to historical stages, and enriches a large number of fresh historical materials and rich pictures within a large framework, explaining that today's Chinese nation community "has some of you in it." How the pluralistic unity pattern of "I, you are in me" and "great unity" has been gradually formed and consolidated over the course of thousands of years of history is very convincing.

  ——The first textbook focusing on building China’s independent historical material system, discourse system, and theoretical system for the Chinese nation’s community.

The textbook profoundly explains the latest achievements of the Sinicization of Marxist national theory and is the basis for building China's independent national theoretical system.

  Yang Gongle, a professor at Beijing Normal University, said that "Introduction to the Chinese National Community" discusses the emergence of the Chinese national community and its continuous development process at a long length, analyzes the evolutionary pattern of the pluralistic unity of the Chinese nation, and clarifies the spiritual characteristics of Chinese civilization. The theory is derived from history, the history and theory are combined, and the theory is integrated into history, creating a new "Introduction" narrative model.

  ——The first textbook to promote and explain the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization and focus on building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

The textbook reveals that the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization have shaped the spiritual character of Chinese civilization, and reflects that the construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation must conform to the general trend of the Chinese nation moving from history to the future, from tradition to modernity, and from diversity to unity.

  "The "Introduction" constructs a theoretical system that shares the spiritual homeland of the Chinese nation." According to Shen Guiping, a professor at Zhejiang University, the "Introduction" textbook explains the "five outstanding characteristics" of Chinese civilization and makes it clear that the direction of the development and evolution of Chinese civilization is " "Inward cohesion" has completed the theoretical construction of the substantive nature of the Chinese nation's culture and laid a theoretical foundation for the construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

Learn to use the "Introduction" textbook well and promote the construction of courses, teachers, and disciplines

  Starting from March this year, the "Introduction" textbook will be put into use in colleges and universities in ethnic minority areas, and will gradually be promoted to colleges and universities across the country.

Making good use of the "Introduction" textbooks and developing "Introduction" courses are important tasks facing all colleges and universities.

  In order to ensure that "teaching materials can be taught by teachers and read by students," in 2023, the National Ethnic Affairs Commission, together with the Ministry of Education, successively carried out trial lectures and trials of the "Introduction" teaching materials in more than 240 colleges and universities across the country, through holding teaching competitions, selection and demonstrations By forming a team of teachers and conducting research on teaching reform projects, we will actively build trial supporting resources and create good conditions for colleges and universities to offer "Introduction" courses.

  Teachers are the key to teaching good courses.

The State Ethnic Affairs Commission has vigorously strengthened the training of key teachers by combining "centralized training" and "delivery of courses to the doorsteps". Together with the Ministry of Education, it has organized three key teacher seminars at the Central Ethnic Cadres College, and has trained more than 500 teachers from more than 200 universities. name.

The teaching material and course construction team also went to Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Yunnan, Jilin and other places for investigation and guidance on course construction and trial work.

  At the publishing symposium, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, together with relevant ministries and commissions, made arrangements for the good use of the "Introduction" teaching materials. On the one hand, the role of unified teaching materials should be given full play. Minority colleges and universities in ethnic minority areas should provide compulsory courses, and other colleges and universities should It is necessary to make good use of the "Introduction" teaching material; on the other hand, support the teaching materials to enter party schools and league schools at all levels and be included in various types of education and training.

  Participants from various universities across the country expressed that they will implement the "Introduction" teaching material into education and teaching, and continue to write a new chapter in the education of solidifying the awareness of the Chinese nation's community——

  Build "golden courses", transform the advantages of teaching materials into teaching advantages, and open a number of online and offline high-quality public courses, professional courses, and ideological and political courses.

Wu Shixiong, secretary and director of the Yunnan Provincial Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commission, said that Yunnan will focus on cultivating high-level teachers, promoting in-depth integration of teaching and research, doing a good job in practical teaching, strengthening business guidance, etc., and promoting universities to make the "Introduction" course out of politics The height, theoretical depth, breadth of vision and emotional warmth allow education to build a strong sense of the Chinese nation’s community to take root and bear fruit in Yunnan’s universities, middle schools and primary schools.

  Forge "Golden Masters" and support ideological and political teachers and teachers in different fields such as ethnology, history, sociology and other fields to participate in the "Introduction" course teacher training.

In 2023, Minzu University of China sent a total of 27 experts and scholars to participate in the compilation of the "Introduction" textbook, and invited and mobilized 30 experts and scholars, including Yang Shengmin and Yan Qing, to form a teaching team to conduct trial lectures for nearly 4,000 sophomores.

"Through famous teacher demonstrations, teaching competitions and other methods, we have trained and selected a group of young and middle-aged backbone teachers who can brilliantly explain the "Introduction" textbook." said Guo Guangsheng, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of Minzu University of China.

  Create a "base" and build digital resources for the "Introduction" course in a format that college students like.

Many universities in Xinjiang have already offered "Introduction" courses, and currently have formed teaching materials, courseware, lesson plans and demonstration lesson video resources.

Liu Zhengjiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Xinjiang University, said, "We will combine Xinjiang's actual conditions, organically integrate Xinjiang's local ideological and political resources into the teaching plans, and do a good job in case development so that the cases are used appropriately."

  To refine the "high-quality products", the "Introduction" textbook is a construction of a new historical data system, discourse system, and theoretical system, which needs to be continuously developed and improved.

The National Ethnic Affairs Commission will rely on the "Introduction to the Community of the Chinese Nation Curriculum Resource Center" that will be launched simultaneously with the publication of the "Introduction" textbook to unblock the channels for collecting opinions, widely collect the opinions of teachers and students, carefully study and judge, and handle them in a timely manner.

  The symposium requested that colleges and universities affiliated to Venezuela and colleges and universities in ethnic minority areas should take building a strong sense of the Chinese nation’s community as the main line of teaching and educating people. Relevant colleges and universities should combine the actual conditions of the local schools and highlight the practical results to promote the building of a strong sense of the Chinese nation’s community into the brains and hearts. ; It is necessary to strengthen publicity and promotion, make comprehensive use of various media platforms, fully explore teaching materials and promotional materials, vigorously promote the awareness of the Chinese nation's community, tell the story of the Chinese nation's community, and gather great strength for the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Contents of "Introduction to the Chinese National Community"

  Lecture 1: Basic Theory of the Community of the Chinese Nation

  Section 1 The basic concept of the Chinese nation community

  1. Chinese nation

  2. Community of the Chinese Nation

  3. Consciousness of the Chinese Nation’s Community

  Section 2 The Basic Concept of the Community of the Chinese Nation

  1. Twelve Musts

  2. Four common

  Three or four in common

  Four, four pairs of relationships

  Section 3 Theoretical Origins of the Chinese National Community

  1. Marxist Theory

  2. Historical tradition of great unification

  3. Theoretical Results of “Two Combinations”

  Section 4 Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation and the Community of the Chinese Nation

  1. Outstanding Characteristics of Chinese Civilization

  2. Promote the construction of a community of the Chinese nation


  Thinking questions

  Lecture 2: Establish a correct view of the history of the Chinese nation

  Section 1 Chinese Civilization and the Community of the Chinese Nation

  1. Geography and Civilization

  2. Country and Nation

  3. Diversity and unity

  Section 2 The Vanguard of the Chinese Nation and the Community of the Chinese Nation

  1. The vanguard and the survival of the Chinese nation

  2. Unity and progress between the vanguard and the Chinese nation

  3. Vanguard and the Construction of the Chinese Nation Community


  Thinking questions

  Lecture 3: The Emergence of Civilization and the Origin of the Chinese Nation (Prehistoric Period)

  Section 1 The Origin of the Chinese Nation

  1. Early humans and culture in China

  2. The formation and development of the early Chinese cultural circle

  3. Early integration of regional cultures

  Section 2: The First Establishment of China

  1. Countries abound

  2. The initial unification of the kingdom

  Section 3 The basic formation of the characteristics of Chinese civilization

  1. Continuous evolution

  2. Innovation and development

  3. Tolerance and openness

  4. From division to integration


  Thinking questions

  Lecture 4: The order of the world and the evolution of the Chinese community (Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties)

  Section 1 The gestation of the Chinese community

  1. Core Area of ​​Chinese Civilization

  2. “Internal administration” and “external administration”

  3. Writing and Bronze Ware

  Section 2 The Development of the Chinese Community

  1. Enfeoffment at the beginning of the week

  2. Order of Zhou Rites

  3. “Zhoudao” road network

  Section 3 The Maturity of the Chinese Community

  1. From "Zhuxia" to "Chinese"

  2. Intermarriage and intermarriage

  3. “Tongwen” and “Common Ancestors”


  Thinking questions

  Lecture 5: Great Unification and the Initial Formation of the Chinese Nation (Qin and Han Dynasties)

  Section 1: Building a unified political order

  1. Centralization of power and the county system

  2. Domain governance system

  3. Evolution of Border Regimes

  Section 2 Forming a unified economic system

  1. Unification of weights and measures

  2. Cars on the same track

  3. There is no shortage of closed markets

  Section 3 Reshaping social life

  1. Organize households and people

  2. Same behavior

  3. Population migration

  4. The formation of the Han people

  Section 4: Deepening the Pattern of Cultural Integration

  1. Book with the same text

  2. Confucian orthodoxy

  3. Integration of cultures from various countries

  4. Interaction between the Central Plains and the Frontiers


  Thinking questions

  Lecture 6: The "Five Hus" entered China and the great integration of the Chinese nation (Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties)

  Section 1: Parallelism of political power and convergence of political systems

  1. Convergence of political systems

  2. Expansion of Chinese identity

  3. From the separation of Hu and Han to the integration of Hu and Han

  Section 2 Economic Exchanges under Separate Regimes

  1. Nomadism and farming complement each other

  2. Connection between plains and mountains

  3. Cross-ethnic economic development

  Section 3 Structural Reorganization in Social Changes

  1. The disintegration of northern tribalism

  2. Household registration of ethnic groups in the south

  3. Two-way migration of northern and southern ethnic groups

  Section 4 Cultural development in turbulent times

  1. The Chineseization of the Western Regions during the Northern Dynasties

  2. The cultural integration of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism

  3. Historical writing of the common ancestors of Yi and Xia


  Thinking questions

  Lecture 7: The unity of Huayi and the unprecedented prosperity of the Chinese nation (Sui, Tang, and Five Dynasties periods)

  Section 1 Co-constructing the political landscape

  1. A political order of communion

  2. Compatible social governance

  3. Open official selection system

  4. Flexible regional governance

  Section 2 Shaping the Economic Order Together

  1. The economic center of gravity shifts southward

  2. Towering Khan Avenue

  3. Silk Road Trade

  Section 3 Sharing Social Culture

  1. Love both Yi and Xia

  2. Cultural prosperity

  3. Interaction between Tang and Tibet

  4. New Development in the Western Regions

  5. Conflict and Fusion

  Section 4: Political and cultural development in the middle and late Tang Dynasty

  1. An Shi Rebellion

  2. The legacy of the Tang Dynasty in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms


  Thinking questions

  Lecture 8 Sharing China and the Cohesive Development of the Chinese Nation (Liao, Song, Xia and Jin Dynasties)

  Section 1: Competition for “Chinese” Orthodoxy

  1. Sharing respect for the “Chinese” identity

  2. Jointly build the territory of “China”

  3. Sharing inheritance of the “China” system

  Section 2 Benefits of Sharing Economy

  1. Regional economic integration

  2. Market trading network

  3. “Song money” is popular in all directions

  Section 3: Integrating social life

  1. Ethnic migration

  2. Inter-ethnic marriage

  3. Evolution of etiquette and customs

  Section 4 integrates “Chinese” culture

  1. The combination of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism

  2. The use of Chinese characters

  3. Integration of literature and art


  Thinking questions

  Lecture 9: Mixing the North and the South and the Great Unification of the Chinese Nation (Yuan Dynasty Period)

  Section 1: Rebuilding Unification

  1. Unify the country

  2. Administrative Region System

  3. Multilingual Government Affairs

  4. Etiquette and Confucianism

  Section 2 Economic Integration

  1. Post Road System

  2. Issuance of banknotes

  3. Integration of agriculture and animal husbandry

  Section 3 Hu Han’s family

  1. Interethnic integration

  2. Great Migration and Great Mixing

  3. Cultural integration


  Thinking questions

  Lecture 10: Communication between China and foreign countries and the consolidation and growth of the Chinese nation (Ming Dynasty period)

  Section 1 Consolidating the Unified Political Structure

  1. Continuation of the Great Unification

  2. Constructing a dual territorial governance system

  3. Mingmeng interaction

  4. Jointly fight against foreign enemy intrusion

  Section 2 The economic form of promoting both agriculture and business

  1. Frontier farming and the introduction of new crops

  2. Tribute exchange and tea-horse trade

  3. Silver circulation and market unification

  Section 3: Clearing up the social landscape of Huayi

  1. The inclusion of northern ethnic groups

  2. The growth of a mixed agricultural and pastoral society

  3. The development of a pluralistic society in the South

  Section 4 The cultural atmosphere of mutual learning and integration

  1. The unity of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism

  2. Promotion of Confucian education

  3. Multicultural integration

  4. Cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries


  Thinking questions

  Lecture 11: The Chinese Family and the Determination of the Pattern of the Chinese Nation (Early and Mid-Qing Dynasty)

  Section 1 Political Unification

  1. The prosperity of the territory

  2. Unified political outlook

  3. Governing according to customs

  Section 2 Economic Integration

  1. New development in border areas

  2. New agricultural development and population surge

  3. Construction of post station system in border areas

  4. Domestic trade system matures

  Section 3 Social Integration

  1. Population mobility

  2. Intermixed living

  3. Inter-ethnic marriage

  Section 4 Cultural Integration

  1. Taoism and governance

  2. The governance of “Tongwen”

  3. Governance of Tibetan Buddhism

  4. Respect for the spirit of loyalty


  Thinking questions

  Lecture 12: National Peril and the Awakening of Chinese National Consciousness (1840-1919)

  Section 1 From Monarchy to Republic

  1. The formation of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society

  2. The “self-rescue” of the late Qing government

  3. The Revolution of 1911 and the Founding of the Republic of China

  Section 2 The emergence of the discourse of “Chinese nation”

  1. Modern Chinese identity

  2. The emergence of the ethnic title “Chinese nation”

  3. Initial Concept of Nation-building

  Section 3: Toward Consciousness

  1. Common resistance to Western powers

  2. Regional economic interconnection

  3. Social and cultural development


  Thinking questions

  Lecture 13: The Vanguard and the Independence and Liberation of the Chinese Nation (1919--1949)

  Chapter 1 A ground-breaking event

  1. Early spread of Marxism

  2. The establishment of the Communist Party of China

  3. New Situation of the Revolution

  Section 2 The New Revolutionary Road

  1. Agrarian Revolution and Long March

  2. Vanguard of the Chinese Nation

  3. The whole nation’s resistance war

  4. Ethnic governance in border areas

  5. The choice of China’s destiny

  Section 3 Ethnic governance and its limitations during the Republic of China

  1. Border governance

  2. Social integration

  3. Governance limitations


  Thinking questions

  Lecture 14 New China and the New Era of the Chinese Nation (1949-2012)

  Section 1 Reshaping Modern China

  1. Safeguard national unity

  2. Establish the Party’s centralized and unified leadership

  3. Establish a socialist political system

  Section 2 Building the Chinese National Family

  1. Deepening ethnic equality

  2. Strengthen national unity

  3. Promote mutual assistance among ethnic groups

  4. Promote ethnic harmony

  Section 3: Promote great progress of the Chinese nation

  1. Economic leap-forward development

  2. Great cohesion of political and cultural identity

  3. Acceleration of population mobility and social integration

  4. Cultural sharing and transmission develop rapidly


  Thinking questions

  Lecture 15: The New Era and the Construction of the Chinese National Community (2012-)

  Section 1 New challenges in building a community of the Chinese nation

  1. The fundamental interests of the Chinese nation face challenges

  2. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation faces challenges

  3. Socialist ethnic relations face challenges

  Section 2 New ideas for building a community of the Chinese nation

  1. Establish the main line of ethnic work

  2. Adhere to the basic methods

  3. Do a good job in key tasks

  Section 3 New achievements in building a community of the Chinese nation

  1. More political unity and unity

  2. More economic prosperity and sharing

  3. More innovation and integration in culture

  4. Society becomes more embedded and inclusive.

  5. More sustainable development in ecological civilization

  Section 4: New directions for building a community of the Chinese nation

  1. The road to ultra-large-scale modernization

  2. The road to common prosperity

  3. The road to harmony between material civilization and spiritual civilization

  4. The road to harmonious coexistence between man and nature

  5. The road to peaceful development


  Thinking questions

  Lecture 16: New Path to Civilization and a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind

  Section 1: A century of changes and governance between China and the West

  1. Changes in the world structure

  2. Comparison of Chinese and Western governance systems

  3. The dilemma of modern national identity

  Section 2 The community of the Chinese nation and the community with a shared future for mankind

  1. Proposition of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind

  2. The global significance of building a community of the Chinese nation

  3. China’s practice of building a community with a shared future for mankind

  Section 3 The new form of human civilization and mutual learning from world civilizations

  1. The new form of human civilization and its characteristics

  2. China’s exploration of a new path for human civilization


  Thinking questions

  Read the literature


  Producer | Wang Xiangyu

  Editor | Cai Liyuan

  Production | Hu Xiaodie

  (Daozhonghua WeChat public account Zhou Wanlin)