Teller Report

There are still 5 cold air impacts in March, and spring may come early in many places

3/1/2024, 6:34:26 AM

Highlights: There are still 5 cold air impacts in March, and spring may come early in many places. Temperatures in most parts of the country were low in the first half of the year. After entering March, the temperature in the southern region will gradually rise. The possibility of large-scale freezing rain and road ice is small. The temperature in Xinjiang, northern Northwest China, western Inner Mongolia, and western South China is expected to be lower than normal for the same period of year. Spring arrives more than 20 days earlier than normal in these places.

  China News Service, Beijing, March 1 (Wei Xianghui) As March enters, the epidemic situation is heating up in many places across the country.

At a March press conference held by the China Meteorological Administration, experts said that temperatures in most parts of the country were low in the first half of the year, and began to rise significantly in the middle of the year.

There are still 5 cold air events affecting our country in March

  Jia Xiaolong, deputy director of the National Climate Center, introduced at the meeting that it is expected that there will be 5 major cold air processes affecting my country in March, which is more than the 3.5 times in the same period in normal years. The time and intensity of occurrence are roughly: medium in the early part of the first ten days and mid-term in the early part of the year. Medium, weak in the early middle, medium in the late middle, and medium in the late middle.

  After entering March, the temperature in the southern region will gradually rise, generally close to normal for the same period of the year to slightly higher, and the possibility of large-scale freezing rain and road ice is small.

  Zhang Jiancheng, deputy director of the National Meteorological Center, said that it is expected that from February 29 to the two sessions of the country (March 4-11), the cold air activities affecting our country will be frequent. The temperature in most parts of the country will be lower than the same period of the year. Overall, there is less rainfall, with more precipitation in the south.

During the National Two Sessions, Beijing was mainly sunny to cloudy, and the average temperature was slightly lower than the same period of the year; the atmospheric diffusion conditions were poor from the night of March 3 to the 4th, and from 9 to 11; there were level 3 and 4 northerly winds during the day on the 5th , gust levels 6 and 7.

  Zhang Jiancheng reminded that due to the large temperature difference between day and night, participants should adjust their clothing in time according to temperature changes to prevent colds; atmospheric diffusion conditions are poor during some periods, so it is recommended to do a good job in human health protection and traffic safety management.

  On February 29, 10,000 acres of rapeseed flowers and farmhouses in Wuxing Village, Chongzhou City, located in the Chengdu Plain, set off against each other, forming a beautiful picture.

Photo by Zhang Lang

Spring arrives 20 days early in these places

  With the arrival of March, most of the country has gradually entered a warming rhythm.

  Jia Xiaolong said that at present, most areas in the western Huanghuai River, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the south have entered spring.

Compared with normal years, spring arrives earlier in most of the above-mentioned areas, especially in the western Huanghuai, western Jianghuai, areas along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, southern Jiangnan, and southeastern Southwest China. Spring arrives more than 20 days earlier than normal.

  It is expected that in March, the temperature in Xinjiang, northern Northwest China, western Inner Mongolia, and western South China will be lower than normal for the same period of the year, while the temperature in the rest of the country will be close to normal to higher than the same period of the year.

The temperature in most parts of the country was low in early March, and the temperature began to rise significantly in mid-March.

  However, due to strict meteorological standards for the onset of spring, affected by factors such as geographical location, terrain height, weather processes, etc., the onset of spring varies greatly from place to place. In a strict sense, the onset of spring needs to be combined with the temperature over a period of time. Real situation judgment.

  Spring will arrive in Beijing in late March, which is close to the same time in normal years (March 28) and is early.
