Teller Report

The national average temperature in February was -1.8℃, 0.5℃ lower than the same period in normal years.

3/1/2024, 5:33:55 AM

Highlights: In February, the national average temperature was -1.8°C, 0.5°C lower than the same period in normal years. The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and most areas north of it, most of the northwest, southern Xinjiang and other places have more precipitation. Temperatures are relatively high and precipitation is relatively low in most areas of the southwest. Meteorological drought continues in some areas of Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan.

  China News Service, March 1 (Xinhua) The China Meteorological Administration held a press conference on March 1 to release the national weather and climate characteristics in February, climate trend predictions in March (weather forecast during the two sessions) and meteorological service tips, as well as recommendations and proposals from the China Meteorological Administration during the two sessions. Processing status, etc.

At the meeting, Zhang Jiancheng, deputy director of the National Meteorological Center, introduced that in February, the national average temperature was -1.8°C, 0.5°C lower than the same period in normal years.

  Zhang Jiancheng pointed out that in February, the temperature was low and the precipitation was high.

In February, the national average temperature was -1.8°C, 0.5°C lower than the same period in normal years.

Compared with the same period of the year, except for most of Northeast China, northern North China, southeast China, most of South China, and most of the Southwest, the temperature is higher than the same period of the year.

The temperature fluctuates greatly during the month, with the temperature in the middle of the month being on the high side, and the early and late days being affected by the cold air, the temperature is on the low side.

A total of 12 national weather stations across the country have daily minimum temperatures that meet extreme event monitoring standards.

  In February, the national average precipitation was 21.0 mm, 28.2% more than the same period in normal years.

The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and most areas north of it, most of the northwest, southern Xinjiang and other places have more precipitation than the same period of the year. Most of the southwest, most of South China, southeastern Inner Mongolia, central Heilongjiang and other places have less precipitation. Jiangsu, Anhui and other places have less precipitation. Precipitation is the highest for the same period in history.

  The main weather and climate events in my country in February are as follows:

  First, three cold air processes have affected our country.

Among them, February 18-23 was a cold wave weather process.

Affected by this, large parts of the north and the Middle East experienced strong winds, cooling, and widespread rain and snow, which had a certain impact on transportation, agricultural and animal husbandry production, urban operations, and people's lives.

  Second, most of the Middle East experienced two rounds of low-temperature rain, snow, and freezing weather.

Affected by the joint influence of cold air and warm and moist airflow, the two rounds of low-temperature rain, snow and freezing weather processes have the characteristics of long duration, wide range of rain, snow and freezing rain, and complex precipitation phases, which have a great impact on agricultural production and transportation.

  Third, the first sand and dust weather process will affect our country in 2024.

From February 17 to 20, the first sand and dust weather process affected most of the north, the Sichuan Basin, central and western Hubei and other places. Sand or strong sand storms occurred in southern Xinjiang, northern Ningxia, western Inner Mongolia, northwestern Shaanxi and other places, with local Extremely strong sandstorm.

  Fourth, meteorological drought continues in some areas of southwest China.

Temperatures are relatively high and precipitation is relatively low in most areas of the southwest. Meteorological drought continues in some areas of Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan and other places, and forest fire danger levels are high.

As of February 27, moderate to severe meteorological drought exists in western Guizhou, northeastern Yunnan, and eastern Sichuan.

  In February, a total of 38,000 early warning messages were issued across the country.

Warnings for low-temperature freezing, sandstorms, blizzards, and cold waves have increased significantly year-on-year.

In addition to the above four categories, early warning information such as road ice and strong winds has the highest number of releases in the same period over the past years (2017-2023).