Teller Report

Spring fire prevention campaign: Fire simulation training at a commercial facility adjacent to Haneda Airport

3/1/2024, 4:43:48 AM

Highlights: In conjunction with the spring fire prevention campaign that began on March 1st, a fire drill was held at a commercial facility adjacent to Haneda Airport. The training was attended by over 40 people, including firefighters from the Tokyo Fire Department and local fire departments. Prior to the training, entertainer Miki Fujimoto was appointed fire chief for a day and was presented with her commission letter. 22 people died in fires in the area under its jurisdiction in the two months up to February this year.

[NHK] In conjunction with the spring fire prevention campaign that began on March 1st, a fire training exercise was held at a commercial facility adjacent to Haneda Airport.

In conjunction with the spring fire prevention campaign that began on March 1st, a fire drill was held at a commercial facility adjacent to Haneda Airport.

The training, which was held at a commercial facility adjacent to Haneda Airport, was attended by over 40 people, including firefighters from the Tokyo Fire Department and local fire departments.

Prior to the training, entertainer Miki Fujimoto was appointed fire chief for a day and was presented with her commission letter.

In the training, Fujimoto first assumed that a child who was surprised by an earthquake had something stuck in his throat, and using a system called "Live 119" that sends real-time footage of the scene on his smartphone, he administered first aid according to instructions from the fire department's control room. I had the experience of doing so.

Next, based on the assumption that a fire had started due to an earthquake, the commercial facility's self-defense fire brigade had initially extinguished the fire, and then Tokyo Fire Department firefighters confirmed the procedures for rescuing people who were unable to escape using ladder trucks. .

Mr. Fujimoto said, ``When using fire, be careful not to take your eyes off of it. I would like you and your family to check how to use a fire extinguisher.''

According to the Tokyo Fire Department, 22 people died in fires in the area under its jurisdiction in the two months up to February this year.

The spring fire prevention campaign will run until March 7th, and the Tokyo Fire Department is calling on residents to install and inspect residential fire alarms.