Teller Report

Many provincial and municipal laws and regulations in Guangdong will be implemented from today on the opening up and development of Nansha and the optimization of the business environment.

3/1/2024, 5:34:18 AM

Highlights: Local regulations in Guangdong Province and Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Qingyuan and other cities have come into effect. Involving the open development of Nansha, high-quality development of manufacturing industry, optimization of business environment, etc. "Manufacturing Regulations" are the country's first specialized legislation to accelerate new industrialization and build a strong manufacturing province. A number of local regulations on “small incisions” have also come into Effect.

Many provincial and municipal regulations in Guangdong come into effect today

Involving the open development of Nansha, high-quality development of manufacturing industry, optimization of business environment, etc.

  Nanfang Daily (Reporter/Yao Yao) Starting from March, a number of local regulations in Guangdong Province and Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Qingyuan and other cities have come into effect, covering the open development of Nansha, high-quality development of manufacturing, and business Environmental optimization and other key areas.

  Two provincial regulations, "Nansha Deepening Comprehensive Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Facing the World" (referred to as "Nansha Regulations") and "Guangdong Provincial Regulations for the Promotion of High-Quality Development of Manufacturing Industry" (referred to as "Manufacturing Regulations"), will begin on March 1 Implementation.

  Among them, the "Nansha Regulations" grant management powers to relevant provinces and cities in Nansha based on the principle of "delegating what they can", and use legislation to remove obstacles to open development. An important measure to build a new positioning of "one point, two places" in the Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, it is also another pioneering and exploratory legislation in our province.

"This regulation strengthens the delegation of power and empowerment, coordinates with Hong Kong and Macao, and faces the world. It makes comprehensive and systematic provisions on Nansha's management system and mechanisms, technological innovation, industrial development, open cooperation, urban development, and rule convergence." Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee Legal Affairs Committee The person in charge said.

  The "Manufacturing Regulations" are the country's first specialized legislation to accelerate new industrialization and build a strong manufacturing province. The Regulations consist of 6 chapters and 44 articles. The institutional measures of the "Five Major Environmental Improvement Actions", on the other hand, focus on the common needs of industries and stipulate support for industrial land transformation, enterprise technological transformation, technological innovation, etc., providing a strong rule of law for Guangdong to adhere to the real economy as the mainstay and the manufacturing industry as the leader. support.

  A number of local regulations on “small incisions” have also come into effect.

  The "Shenzhen Special Economic Zone International Ship Regulations" stipulates that restrictions on international ship registration entities are relaxed, the scope of registration is expanded, and enterprises established in Shenzhen in accordance with the law are required to register international ships, and the foreign shareholding ratio of the enterprise is not restricted.

Implement a formal review system for international ship registration, significantly shortening the registration time limit and improving registration efficiency.

  The "Regulations on the Zhuhai Special Economic Zone National High-tech Industrial Development Zone" will come into effect on March 3. The regulations are based on the legislative authority of the Zhuhai Special Economic Zone and systematically stipulate the "one zone, multiple parks" management system of the high-tech zone. This is currently in the national high-tech zone. It is the first of its kind at the district legislative level.

The regulations focus on the problem of insufficient space for industrial development and encourage and support qualified market entities and collective economic organizations to revitalize and utilize commercial construction land under the name of collective economic organizations through cooperation and other forms.

Encourage high-tech zones as the main body to integrate or manage various industrial parks with adjacent locations and complementary industries to create more innovation communities.

At the same time, the supervision of idle land will be strengthened, and inefficient industrial land in high-tech zones will be recovered and repurchased in accordance with the law.

  According to Dongguan's city positioning and industrial characteristics, the "Dongguan City Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment" has separate chapters such as "Advanced Manufacturing Environment", "Technological Innovation Environment" and "International Environment", and focuses on services to attract investment, accelerate project implementation, and reduce corporate costs. , optimize service processes, improve service quality and other aspects, set up multiple clauses, strive to build an accurate and proactive full life cycle enterprise-related service system, and promote the development and growth of enterprises.

  As the province's first local regulation on the promotion of cultivated land utilization, the "Qingyuan City Cultivated Land Utilization Promotion Regulations" does not have chapters, with a total of 25 articles, including cultivated land protection and quality construction, rational utilization of cultivated land, supervision and assessment, etc., and is divided into Government responsibilities, departmental responsibilities, and rural collective economic organization obligations.

The relevant person in charge of the Qingyuan Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee said that this regulation will help solve the key and difficult problems in the construction and utilization of cultivated land, such as "cultivated land abandonment", "emphasis on construction but neglect of planning", "emphasis on construction but neglect of management and protection" and "low economic benefits of scattered grain planting". , further assisting rural revitalization and "millions of projects".