Teller Report

Guangdong promotes high-quality development of basic education and accelerates the construction of a strong education province

3/1/2024, 5:33:35 AM

Highlights: Guangdong promotes high-quality development of basic education. Implement eight major projects to speed up the construction of a powerful education province. Focus 1 Building moral character and cultivating people. Comprehensively complete the reform of the principal responsibility system under the leadership of party organizations in primary and secondary schools. Focus 2 Building the Three Holistic Education system and mechanism. Focus 3 Training Excellent Vocational Education, Project of Innovation of Higher Education, the Project of Educational Reform, and the "Project of Opening Education to the Outside World"

Guangdong promotes high-quality development of basic education

Implement eight major projects to speed up the construction of a powerful education province

  From February 28th to 29th, the province’s education work conference and basic education high-quality development promotion meeting were held in Shenzhen.

  At the beginning of this year, the Provincial Party Committee's No. 1 document issued opinions on building a strong province in education, highlighting Guangdong's firm determination to adhere to the priority development of education.

  “Building a strong province in education is the main line of work, the top priority, and the No. 1 project of our province’s education system.” Zhu Kongjun, Secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Committee, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Provincial Department of Education, said that this year we will plan and formulate an implementation plan to promote Implement the "Eight Major Projects", including the Project of Building Morals and Building Souls, the Project of Improving Basic Education, the Project of Training Excellent Vocational Education, the Project of Innovation of Higher Education, the Project of Educational Reform, the Project of Opening Education to the Outside World, the "Project of New Strengthening Teachers", the Education Safety and security projects, etc., to further promote the construction of a strong education province.

  What were the highlights of Guangdong’s education work last year?

How will Guangdong’s education work be done this year?

  ●Nanfang Daily reporter Li Xiuting, Wu Shaomin, Chen Yichun, Qian Mingya

Focus 1 Building moral character and cultivating people

Comprehensively complete the reform of the principal responsibility system under the leadership of party organizations in primary and secondary schools

  Strengthening the party's overall leadership over education work is the fundamental guarantee for running education well.

  In the past year, colleges and universities in Guangdong have comprehensively opened and taught the course "Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era", comprehensively promoted the construction of "big ideological and political courses", and deeply promoted Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The spirit enters the teaching materials, the classroom, and the mind, and implements a community project integrating ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools, and builds a high-quality pilot and experimental area for the construction of the "Three Holistic Education" system and mechanism.

  This year, Guangdong will implement the "Southern Guangdong Quality Ideological and Political Course Construction Plan", comprehensively promote the construction of "big ideological and political courses", promote the combination of small ideological and political classes and large social classes, and enhance the pertinence and attractiveness of ideological and political courses.

Coordinate and promote the integrated construction of ideological and political education in universities, middle schools and primary schools, and accelerate the construction of a new era of school ideological and political work system.

  In the past year, Guangdong continued to implement the "benchmarking and striving for excellence" plan for party organizations in universities and colleges, promoted "group-type" counterpart assistance for party building in public universities and private universities, and strengthened the construction of party organizations in primary and secondary schools. The overall completion rate of the leadership system reform in primary and secondary schools throughout the year was 84 %.

  Zhu Kongjun revealed that this year Guangdong will comprehensively complete the reform of the principal responsibility system led by party organizations in primary and secondary schools in the province, and establish and improve the institutional system and working mechanism for the implementation of the principal responsibility system led by party organizations in primary and secondary schools.

  Focus 2 Basic Education

  Efforts should be made to run the "three schools" and county high schools well

  The foundation of building a strong province in education lies in basic education.

  Last year, Guangdong implemented the "Hundreds and Thousands Project" education action to promote the construction of a high-quality and balanced public education service system; it arranged 1.3 billion yuan in awards and subsidies to support the pilot work of 29 high-quality basic education development experimental zones and demonstration zones; and supported the pilot work of 29 experimental zones and demonstration zones for the high-quality development of basic education. More than 65 urban and rural education communities have been established in western and northern Guangdong.

  Guangdong has added more than 60,000 public preschool education places, and built 3 preschool education development research centers and 21 urban and rural preschool education integrated management resource centers.

In addition, the conditions for running "three schools" in townships have been improved, and more than 300,000 public places in compulsory education have been added.

Implement the county's development and improvement actions and promote the county's trusteeship and assistance projects.

We will consolidate and increase the enrollment rate of compulsory education for students with disabilities. The "one person, one case" program will track the enrollment of 39,000 students, add 2 new special education schools, and build 23 specialized schools, providing 4,148 degrees.

  This year, Guangdong will further promote the high-quality development of basic education, implement basic education quality improvement projects, and build a high-quality and balanced new ecosystem.

  "Guangdong will build a dynamic adjustment mechanism for the supply of basic education degrees to adapt to changes in the size of the school-age population, and adjust the layout of urban and rural primary and secondary schools." Zhu Kongjun said that it will coordinate the use of financial funds at all levels and focus on running the "three schools" and county high schools. .

The province has established a targeted assistance mechanism for "three schools" and county high schools in 15 prefectures and cities across the province, led by South China Normal University and Zhaoqing University respectively, with the participation of 12 universities.

All localities should fully seize the opportunity, work with universities to formulate specific assistance plans and promote their implementation.

  Focus 3 Vocational Education

  Build a number of majors that closely meet the needs of regional industries

  Guangdong is a major province in vocational education and a strong province in vocational education.

  In 2023, Guangdong will speed up the improvement of the modern vocational education system. Shenzhen Municipal Industry and Education Consortium and Foshan City's "Two High and Four New" Industry and Education Consortium were selected into the first batch of national municipal industry and education consortiums, and 267 kinds of teaching materials were selected into the first batch of "14th Five-Year Plan" "National planning textbooks for vocational education and 22 awards for teacher teaching ability competitions, ranking second in the country in total; Shenzhen Vocational and Technical University, as the first approved vocational education undergraduate institution during the country's "14th Five-Year Plan" period, successfully welcomed The first batch of undergraduate freshmen.

  This year, Guangdong will further implement the project to meet the standards for running vocational schools. By 2025, the rate of meeting the standards for running vocational schools in the province will reach more than 90%.

It is necessary to optimize the layout structure of majors, build a number of majors that closely meet the needs of regional industries, and strengthen the construction of high-level schools and majors (groups).

  Focus 4 Higher Education

  Build new Shenzhen University of Technology and Greater Bay Area University from a high starting point

  To build a province with strong education, higher education is the “leader”.

  In the past year, Guangdong has continued to implement in-depth the improvement plan of "reaching the first class, making up for weak points, and strengthening characteristics" in higher education, and accelerated the construction of first-class universities and first-class disciplines.

  Zhu Kongjun said that this year Guangdong will build Shenzhen University of Technology and the Greater Bay Area University from a high starting point, actively promote the formal establishment of City University of Hong Kong (Dongguan), support the steady development of undergraduate-level vocational education based on high-quality higher vocational schools, and actively and steadily promote the transformation of independent colleges. set up.

  Guangdong will also promote the construction of new engineering, new medical, new agricultural, new liberal arts, and new normal schools, support universities in the early layout of a number of strategic emerging interdisciplinary science and engineering majors, and actively build future technical colleges and modern industries based on superior disciplines and majors. Colleges and professional colleges have established a talent training mechanism that combines major scientific research tasks and major technological innovation projects.

  At the same time, Guangdong will accelerate the training of talents in urgently needed fields and basic disciplines, expand the distribution of integrated circuit majors and the scale of talent training, and promote the construction of a basic online open course system for integrated circuits and a provincial integrated circuit industry-education innovation platform.

In addition, Guangdong will further implement the "Everest Plan for Basic Research in Colleges and Universities".

  Focus 5 Serving the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee’s “1310”

  Strengthen support and cooperation with provinces that are strong in science and technology and talented people

  How to focus on the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee's "1310" and enhance educational service capabilities?

  In the past year, Guangdong has implemented a project to expand the capacity and improve the quality of integrated circuit talent training, launched a key software talent training project, and built an excellent foreign-related legal talent training system.

Guangdong universities have taken the lead in approving a number of high-level scientific research platforms including 6 national key laboratories (including optimization and reorganization) and 7 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education, and have established projects to build 8 centers of excellence for basic research in universities to support self-reliance and self-reliance in high-level science and technology.

  Guangdong has also launched the "Hundreds of Schools and Hundreds of Counties" campaign to support the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects". The first batch of 82 universities and colleges in the province have completed cooperation contracts with 57 counties (cities), and has reached a list of more than 500 project cooperation projects.

  In 2024, Guangdong will focus on comprehensively improving the quality of independent training of talents and supporting high-level science and technology to become self-reliant and self-reliant. It will activate the "three major driving forces" of reform, opening up, and innovation in the education field, accelerate the construction of a high-quality education system, and strengthen cooperation with the province to become strong in science and technology. Support and cooperation to strengthen the province with talents; deepen and improve the operating mechanism of the "Double Hundred Action", improve incentive measures for colleges and universities, organize the second batch of colleges and universities to pair up with the assisted areas to help the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects"; accelerate the construction of a modern vocational education system , focusing on strategic industrial clusters to serve the "manufacturing industry"; supporting high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and building a number of centers of excellence for basic research in colleges and universities.

  Focus 6: Opening up education to the outside world

  The number of colleges and universities qualified to recruit students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan has increased to 71

  In terms of strengthening high-level education opening to the outside world, in 2023, Guangdong will continue to promote the preparation of the City University of Hong Kong (Dongguan) and support the construction and development of the five established cooperative universities. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) will recruit undergraduates for the first time.

Four new schools for children of Hong Kong and Macao will be established, and the establishment of a school for children of Hengqin and Macao will be promoted.

Currently, the number of colleges and universities in Guangdong that are qualified to recruit students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan has increased to 71, with a total of 17,000 students enrolled, ranking first in the mainland of the country.

  Last year, Guangdong also implemented an exchange and cooperation project for mainland teachers to go to Hong Kong and Macao, cooperated with 48,000 Hong Kong teachers and students to come to Guangdong for inspections; carried out activities such as the Taiwan Teachers Training Program, and solidly ran the Dongguan school for the children of Taiwanese businessmen.

  Zhu Kongjun introduced that this year Guangdong will continue to promote educational exchanges and cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, further promote the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area international education demonstration zone, strengthen Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao cooperation in running schools and collaborative training of talents, and support universities in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to jointly build new research institutes and jointly build Share large scientific equipment, jointly train graduate students, share scientific research projects, and share scientific research results.

  At the same time, it will also enrich and expand communication and cooperation platforms at different levels such as schools, teachers, and students, and organize and implement various educational exchange brand projects in Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao, and cross-strait (Guangdong and Taiwan).

  Focus 7 New Strong Division Project

  Accelerate the completion of shortcomings in the construction of rural teachers

  Guangdong is carrying out the "New Strong Teachers Project" in depth. Last year, it promoted the connotation construction of 11 provincial primary and secondary school (secondary vocational) teacher development centers and 149 city and county-level teacher development centers, and organized 113,700 backbones in eastern Guangdong, western Guangdong and northern Guangdong. Teachers and school (campus) principals participate in rotation training.

  This year, Guangdong will focus on strengthening the construction of teachers' ethics, vigorously promote the cultivation, promotion and practice of the educator's spirit, and establish and improve the "five-in-one" long-term mechanism for the construction of teachers' ethics that combines education, publicity, assessment, supervision, rewards and punishments.

  In terms of continuing to improve the professional development capabilities of the teaching team, improve the scientific literacy of primary and secondary school teachers, train science education teachers and master-level primary and secondary school teachers, and create a dual-qualified high-level teaching team for vocational education and an innovative high-level talent team for universities.

  In addition, we will speed up efforts to make up for the shortcomings in the construction of rural teachers, promote full-scale and all-round integrated counterpart assistance, and thoroughly implement a series of policies such as "job refunds" and "publicly funded targeted training" to improve the teaching level and education of rural schools. management capabilities.

Deepen the reform of teacher evaluation management, carry out exchanges and rotations among teachers in an orderly manner, promote high-quality and balanced allocation of teachers, and effectively improve the status and benefits of teachers.

(Nanfang Daily)