Teller Report

GH Duo is left without a winner: a historic "disaster" in the voting causes something never seen before in a reality show

3/1/2024, 7:23:57 AM

Highlights: GH Duo is left without a winner: a historic "disaster" in the voting causes something never seen before in a reality show. "The App has collapsed. You are voting all over Spain," exclaimed Marta Flich, the presenter of GH Dúo minutes before it was announced who was going to be the winner: Lucía Sánchez or Asraf Beno. "We are not proclaiming the winner tonight. " "We will do it on Sunday in a special gala. Therefore, we extend the voting until Sunday," she said.

If you had to describe in one sentence what happened last night in the grand finale of GH Dúo you would have to pull the television archive and go to that historic video of Callejeros in...

Esther Mucientes Madrid


Updated Friday, March 1, 2024-08:10

  • TV Elena Rodríguez is expelled from GH Dúo 2 and reunites with her daughter Adara Molinero

If you had to describe in one sentence what happened last night in the grand finale of

GH Dúo,

you would have to pull from the television archive and go to that historic


video in which a Madrid lifeguard "has a dirty job."



GH Dúo

have made a messy, very messy mess.

For the first time in the history of a

reality show

, not only on the network but also on television, it has not been able to proclaim a winner in its grand finale.

As it is,

GH Dúo

will not have a winner until next Sunday after having been forced to delay the result due to an error in the voting App.

"The App has collapsed. You are voting all over Spain," exclaimed

Marta Flich

, the presenter of

GH Dúo

, minutes before it was announced who was going to be the winner:

Lucía Sánchez


Asraf Beno


When Flich was supposed to have placed himself between the two finalists, grab their arms and raise the winner's while shouting his name,

GH Duo

stopped the normal development of the grand final to repeat the maximum equality that existed between the two percentages blind to win.


49.7% and 50.3%

of the results, separated by only 0.6%,

Marta Flich

stopped the program, placed herself in the middle of the winners and announced what no one would have ever imagined could happen in the final of a

reality show

: "We are aware that due to a technical failure you have not been able to vote and this is a program whose key is that you, the sovereign audience, can decide by voting, the winner. The percentages were very even. Before "When the App fell, there was a


, because every vote counts."

Literally, the two finalists,

Lucía Sánchez


Asraf Beno

, were shocked when they heard

Marta Flich

announce that

"we are not proclaiming the winner tonight

. "

"We will do it on Sunday in a special gala. Therefore, we extend the voting until Sunday. You can continue voting. It is the first time it has happened, the first final without a winner," stated the presenter in an unprecedented moment in the history of the television.

What happened?

Because the reality is that the final decision made by




, producer of

GH Dúo

, did not come suddenly.

It all started much earlier, when the voting process was resumed

through the MiTele App

after meeting the third finalist,

Manuel González


Throughout the night,

GH Dúo

was showing the blind percentages of the votes.

In fact,

Marta Flich

started the grand final with the usual graphic image of them moving on the back screen.

Two of the finalists, very even;

the third, clearly, had no chance of winning.

It was Manuel González

's percentage


GH Duo and an unprecedented "botch"


GH Dúo

announced that


was the third classified, the voting process between




was then resumed .

The program showed up to twice the percentages of the two finalists, two incredibly close percentages with barely two tenths of a difference between them.

So much so that even minutes before

Marta Flich dropped the bomb, the




However, at that time and for reasons that are unknown beyond


's phrase "the App has collapsed" due to the large number of votes received, the application had serious problems, making it impossible to vote.

It was then that viewers began to denounce on X (formerly Twitter) the impossibility of voting.

When you tried to vote for either of the two finalists, the following message appeared: "We are correcting the technical problems. We apologize for the inconvenience."

But the "technical problems" were never resolved.

She had messed up.

"Bloody", "nonsense", "disaster"

and a question that many were asking:

how is the application of voting going to collapse at that time?

How is it possible that there were so many people voting?

Isn't it a strategy to extend the


show even more ?

And although

Marta Flich

and the program, aware that the shadow of the "tongo" was hanging over the grand finale of

GH Dúo

, warned on several occasions that they were trying to solve it, the solution did not come.

How is it possible that an anomaly in Mitele produced by the brutal avalanche of votes that were being registered has led to a reality show having to delay the name of its winner?

Reallity always get over fiction.

Were there really so many votes to crash an App?

There is no doubt that

Lucía Sánchez


Asraf Beno

are two of the finalists with the closest votes in a grand finale of a reality show.

There is no doubt that both have hordes of followers who, no doubt, given the tight percentages, decided to vote for their favorite.

There is no doubt that last night's


- if it can still be called a final - was one of the tightest in the history of


, but, and now let's get serious, a program has to be prepared and be aware that This can happen and to do so, the appropriate technical measures are taken so that what happened last night does not happen, so that a voting app does not collapse.

In short, indeed, it is a botch and it is what was missing from a

reality show

that has not quite fit in like its predecessors.

What is going to happen on Sunday with GH Dúo?

"What happened tonight has finished burying the format," said several viewers on social networks.

It may not be that big of a deal, but it is a reality that what happened last night in the grand finale of

GH Duo

is the last blow for a format that has not triumphed as it should have triumphed or as its ancestors triumphed.

The audience data has not accompanied almost until the final stretch and, although in average or more.

The devil's advocate would say that you have to put yourself in the shoes of who is doing the program and understand that when something like what happened last night happens, coming out victorious is impossible.

The problem is that, as many viewers reported, the problems with the App did not really start when they had to decide between




but long before.

Some viewers warned that the App was failing to vote when the three finalists were there.

Many spoke of "tongo"

and the anger increased when it was learned that Manuel had been the least voted and, therefore, was left out of the grand final.

At that moment, the program did not say anything, but the chup chup of the "disaster" had already begun to cook.

The decision of




, beyond what could have really happened with the voting system, was the most correct, because if a winner had been named last night the tsunami against the program by the followers would have been a thousand times older, taking into account that no matter how hard you tried you couldn't vote.

However, such a decision, unprecedented, astonishing and unheard of in the history of a reality show, leaves, in addition to many doubts, many questions that will surely be clarified on Sunday, but what they have done is cast a shadow over the format even more.

As Lucía said last night when she heard how

Marta Flich

announced that there was not going to be a winner until Sunday: are they going to put them in the house again?

There was no response, because after two in the morning,

Marta Flich

cut off the program, leaving many doubts in the air.



anything can happen, but what is foreseeable is that they will be isolated in a hotel until Sunday, with practically no contact with anyone and without any mobile device.

And then Sunday will come where, without a doubt, the program and the production company will have to give the most detailed explanations of what happened last night.

Will it be recorded?

It was one of the questions asked last night by viewers, accustomed, for example, to the fact that the final debates of reality shows are usually recorded one day before they are broadcast.

Obviously, if that were the case, it would be no more.

Now, seen what was seen last night and seen what was seen throughout the program with constant and inexplicable changes in the

GH Duo

system , anything can happen.

Come on, they've messed things up.