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Focusing on five future industry clusters, Guangdong strives to become a national future industry pilot zone

3/1/2024, 3:43:48 AM

Highlights: Guangdong strives to become a national future industry pilot zone. By 2035, several future industry clusters that will lead the world will basically be formed. Guangdong will extensively cultivate large and medium-sized enterprises that are oriented towards future industries. The five major industrial clusters of future electronic information, future intelligent equipment, future life and health, future materials, and future green and low carbon will become new economic growth points. The future industry is expected to form an industrial direction with a scale of hundreds of billions and trillions.

Guangdong strives to become a national future industry pilot zone

By 2035, several future industry clusters that will lead the world will basically be formed.

  The future is here, and Guangdong will strive to become a national future industrial pilot area.

On February 29, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, in conjunction with the Provincial Department of Science and Technology and other departments, held a press conference on the five major future industries.

It was revealed at the meeting that by 2030, the five major industrial clusters of future electronic information, future intelligent equipment, future life and health, future materials, and future green and low carbon will become new economic growth points.

  Specifically, Guangdong will extensively cultivate large and medium-sized enterprises that are oriented towards future industries, create five future industry science and technology parks, emerge a number of scientific and technological achievements with world influence, introduce and use high-level strategic scientists and entrepreneurs, and develop in several fields Enhance strategic advantages.

By 2035, several future industry clusters that will lead the world will basically be formed.

  ●Nanfang Daily reporter Chang Daoli and Xu Ningning

  Aiming at the direction of an industry that is expected to form a trillion-level industry

  Future industries are forward-looking and pioneering industries that represent the new direction of future technology and industrial development. They have great market potential and strong driving effects.

Forward-looking planning for future industries has become a general trend, and major countries and regions in the world are accelerating research and layout.

  Why does Guangdong focus on the five major tracks of future electronic information, future smart equipment, future life and health, future materials, and future green and low carbon to lay out future industries?

  According to Zou Yongbing, director of the Planning and Industrial Policy Division of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, it has outstanding strategic significance and leads the direction of industrial development; intensive knowledge and technology leads the direction of technological change; it has a good industrial foundation and leads the direction of market dominance. It is the future industry selected by Guangdong. of three standards.

  From a strategic point of view, future industries are the direction of the new generation of industrial revolution and have an overall driving and major leading role in economic and social development and national strategic layout.

  At present, Guangdong's industrial development is at the forefront of the country. Future industrial planning needs to be guided by the implementation of major national strategic tasks, focusing on the cutting-edge strategic layout trends of global and national industries, and further focusing on the future strategic support and centralized deployment of developed countries. Key industry directions.

  From the perspective of technological change, future industries will be driven by breakthrough and disruptive cutting-edge technologies, with prominent trends in digitalization, informatization and high-end manufacturing, and significant cross-border, cross-industry and cross-industry integration features.

  From the perspective of market leading direction, the future industry will be based on the industrial foundation and ecological advantages. It should further focus on the strong industrial foundation advantages and core competitiveness of the 20 strategic industrial clusters. It is expected to form an industrial direction with a scale of hundreds of billions and trillions. .

At the same time, we should coordinate the current and long-term, the combination of promising government and effective market, etc., and concentrate our efforts to cultivate, develop and expand future industries on a rolling basis.

  It can be seen that Guangdong's targeting of these five major tracks is not only a benchmark against the future industrial layout at home and abroad, but also a strategic choice based on Guangdong's technological and industrial development advantages.

Especially on the basis of connecting with the development of the 20 strategic industrial clusters, especially strategic emerging industrial clusters, Guangdong will seize more cutting-edge and more disruptive industrial fields.

  Support the construction of future industry concept verification centers

  Recently, the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Innovation and Development of Future Industries" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Opinions") issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other ministries and commissions proposes to lay out six major tracks: future manufacturing, future information, future materials, future energy, future space, and future health. It provides strong policy guidance for provinces to plan for future industries.

  Guangdong is the first province to introduce future industrial policies after the issuance of the "Implementation Opinions".

In fact, Guangdong, which is at the forefront of reform and opening up, has already started research on future industries in 2022.

Last year, Guangdong started the preparation of future industrial policies and always paid attention to national policy trends to ensure that the direction of Guangdong's future industrial policies is fully connected with the country.

  This year, Guangdong has detailed the country’s six future industry cultivation arrangements in the form of five independent documents.

"Fully consider the misaligned development with domestic brother provinces and cities, and strive to accelerate the formation of a situation of complementary advantages in the national unified market, avoid homogeneous competition, and jointly promote future industrial development." said Wu Dongwen, deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology.

  The "Implementation Opinions" propose that by 2025, our country will build a number of future industry incubators and pilot zones, break through hundreds of cutting-edge key core technologies, form hundreds of iconic products, create hundreds of leading companies, and develop hundreds of typical application scenarios. Formulate hundreds of key standards, cultivate hundreds of professional service institutions, and initially form a future industrial development model that is consistent with my country's reality.

  To this end, Guangdong will also focus on improving the innovation capabilities of strategic industries, focusing on building the four major industrial innovation hubs of 5G, integrated circuits, nanotechnology, and biology in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and accelerating the promotion of industrial innovation platforms such as the National Industrial Innovation Center and the Engineering Research Center. Lay out the construction, strive to create a national future industry pilot area, and support more innovative entities to build future industry concept verification centers.

  In terms of the province's regional industrial layout, development in each region also has its own focus.

  For example, in the cultivation of life and health industry clusters in the future, Guangdong will build an industrial innovation development zone with Guangzhou and Shenzhen as the core and Zhuhai, Foshan, Dongguan and Zhongshan as the focus.

  Facing the wave of general artificial intelligence technology represented by generative AI and large models such as ChatGPT and Sora, Guangdong will proactively lay out future electronic information industries such as artificial intelligence terminals, gradually build an entire industry chain of artificial intelligence terminals, and initially form a A regional development pattern in which Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan and Huizhou are the main engines, the Pearl River Delta region is the core, and Guangdong’s east, west and north are coordinated and linked.

  Increase the construction of future industrial application scenarios

  Future industries are the key to seizing the initiative in the future and help shape new momentum for regional development and new advantages in industrial competition.

  In order to make a good move towards future industries, how can Guangdong promote the real implementation of these five major industries?

  Future industries will focus on disruptive and source technologies and face new fields and new directions.

To this end, Guangdong first focuses on promoting breakthroughs in core technologies.

  Taking the future electronic information industry as an example, Wang Youliang, deputy director of the Electronic Information Division of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, introduced that Guangdong will support enterprises and scientific research institutions to carry out basic theoretical research on the cutting-edge and application of artificial intelligence, in large models, big data intelligence, and cross-media analysis. Breakthroughs have been achieved in areas such as reasoning, natural language processing, swarm intelligence, and autonomous collaborative control.

  At the same time, we will accelerate the research and development and manufacturing of core key components of artificial intelligence such as artificial intelligence chips, smart sensors, and high-performance micro-electromechanical systems, promote the research and development, transformation and application of smart sensors and smart chips for smart terminals, and achieve collaborative innovation across the entire industry chain.

  With the breakthrough of "0 to 1", it is even more necessary to shorten the time cycle from "1" to "10" and then to "N", and the innovation path of efficient transformation of "laying eggs along the way" will become wider and wider.

To this end, Guangdong will build an achievement industrial transformation system.

  In the field of future materials, "Guangdong will focus on the future materials industry from basic research, concept verification, pilot verification, application demonstration to industrialization process, encourage laboratories, universities, third-party institutions, etc. to take the lead in building concept verification platforms and guide high-level teams Work with enterprises to build a joint engineering center," said Gong Jianwen, second-level inspector of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology.

  Gong Jianwen said that Guangdong will also rely on major innovation platforms to build a number of industry-level common technology research and development and pilot verification platforms in different fields, and proactively layout a number of future material benchmark application demonstration projects in major engineering and major project construction plans.

  The future industry is in the gestation period of its industrial life, and its core technologies, application products and industrial scale need to be continuously promoted in the long term.

Therefore, it is necessary to build an industrial ecology from technology sources and achievement transformation to industrial cultivation and organizational innovation.

  The future industry will face new fields and new directions, and it is very important to provide verifiable scenarios for it.

To this end, Guangdong will increase the construction of future industrial application scenarios, face high-throughput sequencing, AI + biomedicine, explore the full-cycle scenario design mechanism of "future scenarios + pilot demonstrations + promotion and application", and create a world-leading future industrial innovation and development Demonstration base.


  Cultivation directions of five future industrial clusters

  Future electronic information industry cluster: Based on the province's electronic information industry advantages, focus on the development of new generation network communications (including 6G cutting-edge technologies such as air, space, ground and sea integrated communication networking, satellite Internet, etc.), artificial intelligence terminals, virtual reality, quantum information, etc. , to build an innovative highland for the global future electronic information industry.

  Future intelligent equipment industry cluster: Focus on the innovative development of humanoid robots, aerospace equipment, deep-sea and deep-earth equipment and other industries, promote research on key core technologies such as multi-modal intelligent sensing, intelligent control, and reliability improvement, and create innovative development of the global future intelligent equipment industry Highlands.

  Future life and health industry cluster: Focus on the development of gene technology, cell therapy, AI+ biomedicine, synthetic biology, brain science and brain-inspired research, etc., to form a number of world-leading future life and health industry highlands.

  Future materials industry cluster: Focusing on key areas such as bionic intelligence, advanced metals, superconductivity, nanometers, and new energy, we will accelerate the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements and establish future materials with strong independent innovation capabilities, high degree of scale, complete industrial supporting facilities, and international leadership. modern industrial system.

  Future green and low-carbon industrial cluster: Anchoring the province's strategic goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, focusing on cultivating and developing deep-sea wind power, new energy storage, green hydrogen energy, high-efficiency photovoltaics, advanced nuclear energy, natural gas hydrates, carbon capture and storage and Utilize and other key directions to form an industrial cluster driven by low-carbon, zero-carbon and carbon-negative technologies and scenario innovation, laying the foundation for achieving the goal of carbon neutrality.

(Nanfang Daily)