Teller Report

First museum at Mexico's World Heritage Site "Chichen Itza" opens to the public

3/1/2024, 6:34:10 AM

Highlights: First museum at Mexico's World Heritage Site "Chichen Itza" opens to the public. The museum exhibits over 500 stone statues and furniture, about half of which are being shown to the. public for the first time. Areas of the ruins that were previously closed to. the public will also be opened to the the public, allowing visitors to tour newly restored residences of influential people and. temples. The Mexican government has just opened a railway that crosses the northern part of the Yucatan Peninsula, including Chichen Itzas.

[NHK] The first museum has opened at "Chichen Itza", a Mayan civilization ruin in southern Mexico that is also registered as a World Heritage Site, and the interior is decorated with...

The first museum has opened at Chichen Itza, a Mayan ruin in southern Mexico that is also registered as a World Heritage Site, and the interior has been opened to the media.

"Chichen Itza" is a representative ruin of the Mayan civilization in the Yucatan Peninsula in southern Mexico, where the ruins of numerous temples and residences have been found, including a pyramid called "Castillo" dedicated to the gods.

Recently, the first national museum opened its doors, and its interior was shown to the media before it opened to the public on the 1st.

The museum exhibits over 500 stone statues and furniture, about half of which are being shown to the public for the first time, including temple walls, facades and tables carved in stone that demonstrate the high artistry of the Mayan civilization. You can appreciate it.

Areas of the ruins that were previously closed to the public will also be opened to the public, allowing visitors to tour newly restored residences of influential people and temples.

The Mexican government has just opened a railway that crosses the northern part of the Yucatan Peninsula, including Chichen Itza, and is expecting an increase in the number of tourists in the future.

Museum director Julio Alonso said, ``Museums are important because they allow us to show cultural heritage from before the Spanish conquest, as well as the results of research such as archaeological meaning.''