Teller Report

Farmers: creating vocations thanks to a video game developed by the government

3/1/2024, 6:33:56 AM

Highlights: Farmers: creating vocations thanks to a video game developed by the government. Players learn how to run a farm, manage plantations as well as manage employees, including maintaining livestock. “We must raise awareness among the general public about agroecology, to improve the environmental footprint while maintaining a economic viability. The social role is to feed people," says Vincent Péguignot, co-founder of the game Roots of Tomorrow, presented all week at the Salon de l'Agriculture.

Raise awareness and train the general public, but especially the farmers of tomorrow, in agroecology, environmentally friendly agriculture. This is the bet of the video game Roots of Tomorrow, presented all week at the Salon de l'Agriculture. Europe 1 met apprentice farmers during the game.

Camille Moreau / Photo credits: Romain Longieras / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP 7:26 a.m., March 1, 2024

Raise awareness and train the general public, but especially the farmers of tomorrow, in agroecology, environmentally friendly agriculture.

This is the bet of the video game Roots of Tomorrow, presented all week at the Salon de l'Agriculture.

Europe 1 met apprentice farmers during the game.

Raise awareness among the general public and create vocations through video games.

This is the objective of the game

Roots of Tomorrow

, presented all week at the Salon de l'Agriculture.

Players learn how to run a farm, manage plantations as well as manage employees, including maintaining livestock.

“We must raise awareness among the general public about agroecology”

On the screen, a farm in the middle of the fields.

Robin, a student at an agricultural high school in Ain, continues the tasks: "There, we need to improve the barn, its pasture. I was looking at my rotation table to manage my next crops."

Robin also learns to take care of livestock, lead a team and manage his finances, under the watchful eye of his eco-management teacher, Constance Jacquet: "It's really a practical, practical game. The young people learned a lot especially on the management of the common agricultural policy. It's a very complicated subject for young people to learn. And thanks to the game, I have some who have really progressed on this theme. 


“My parents never took a vacation”: farmers’ children worry about their future

Beyond agricultural high schools, 

Roots Of Tomorrow

 is also aimed at the general public, explains Vincent Péguignot, co-founder of the game: "We must raise awareness among the general public about agroecology, to improve the environmental footprint while maintaining a economic viability. The social role is to feed people.

Great promises which could well inspire vocations among the young visitors to the Agricultural Show who are patiently waiting for their turn to play.