Teller Report

DRC: the Lucha citizen movement “demands the unconditional release” of activists arrested in the province of Maniema

3/1/2024, 8:53:56 AM

Highlights: In the DRC, in the province of Maniema, the citizen movement Lucha, asks the authorities of the town of Kindu to release three activists arrested on February 27, 2024. “The Lucha activists have never been violent,” says a local activist. The arrest of these activists occurred during a peaceful demonstration organized on February27, 2024, the Lucha says. The activists demanded the release of their members incarcerated on the national territory but also political actors within the framework of the outstretched hand to opposition by President Tshisekedi.

In the DRC, in the province of Maniema, the Lucha citizen movement is asking the authorities of the town of Kindu to release three activists arrested on February 27, 2024. “The Lucha activists have not…

DRC: the Lucha citizen movement “demands the unconditional release” of activists arrested in the province of Maniema

In the DRC, in the province of Maniema, the citizen movement Lucha, asks the authorities of the town of Kindu to release three activists arrested on February 27, 2024. “ 

The Lucha activists have never been violent 

,” says a local activist .

Listen - 00:45

Locality of Kindu in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


By: RFI Follow


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In the Democratic Republic of Congo (


), in the province of Maniema, the citizen movement Lucha, fighting for change, is asking the authorities of the town of Kindu to release its three arrested activists.

The arrest of these activists occurred during a peaceful demonstration organized on February 27, 2024. The Lucha activists demanded the release of their members incarcerated on the national territory but also the release of political actors within the framework of the outstretched hand to opposition by President Félix Tshisekedi during his swearing-in for a second term on January 20.

According to Wickot Wakandwa, spokesperson for the governor of Maniema province contacted by RFI, the demonstration was not authorized by the town hall of the town of Kindu.

Ramazani Muteba, Lucha activist in Maniema, condemns this arrest and calls for the unconditional release of his three arrested members.


We are going to file a complaint against the mayor of the city


The OPJ [judicial police officer] who is investigating the case in charge of my friends is flouting the law, in favor of the illegal orders of his hierarchy who want to gain professional health

,” he accuses at the microphone of

Joseph Kahongo


We demand their unconditional release.

We will file a complaint against the mayor of the city who disturbed the public order and instruct the police to arrest us, since it is he who disturbed the public order.

Lucha activists have never been violent


He continues: “ 

We submitted a request to obtain the requisition of information from the file investigated by the OPJ from the prosecutor at the Court of Appeal of Maniema, so that the files are transferred to the general prosecutor's office, so that the activists be heard by their natural judge and not the OPJ of the ANR [The National Intelligence Agency, Editor's note] and the provincial police station who have difficulty in giving the offenses to the activists, because they have not done anything as an offense .


Read alsoDRC: two Lucha figures, arrested on Saturday, and released overnight


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