Teller Report

Cabinet approval of amendment bill requiring businesses to respond quickly to online defamation

3/1/2024, 4:44:11 AM

Highlights: Cabinet approval of amendment bill requiring businesses to respond quickly to online defamation. Bill aims to pass the bill during the current ordinary session of the Diet. Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Matsumoto said at a press conference after the Cabinet meeting on the 1st, "Slander that hurts people cannot be tolerated" The proposed amendment requires businesses over a certain size to set up a counter to accept requests to delete posts and make them public. It will be mandatory to decide whether or not to delete the content within a certain period of time.

[NHK] At a cabinet meeting on the 1st, the government called on businesses operating SNS etc. to take prompt action regarding posts defaming Hibo on the internet...

At a cabinet meeting on the 1st, the government decided on a bill to revise the law that would require businesses operating social media sites to take swift action regarding defamatory comments posted on the internet.

It has been pointed out that when victims of defamatory postings on the Internet, such as SNS and bulletin boards, request deletion, it is difficult for businesses to contact them because the contact points are difficult to understand.

In order to address these issues, the government decided at a cabinet meeting on the 1st to amend the law, requiring businesses that operate SNS and bulletin boards to respond quickly.

The proposed amendment requires businesses over a certain size

to set up a counter to accept requests to delete posts and make them

public, to formulate criteria for determining deletion and make them public,


to respond to requests for deletion. , it will be mandatory to decide whether or not to delete the content within a certain period of time, and to notify you of the decision.

The government is aiming to pass the bill during the current ordinary session of the Diet, and Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Matsumoto said at a press conference after the Cabinet meeting on the 1st, ``Slander that hurts people cannot be tolerated, and as relief for victims progresses, we need to ensure safety and security.'' I hope that the environment for using the Internet will be improved."