Teller Report

Siluanov: freezing Russian assets is an ill-calculated step by the West

2/29/2024, 2:53:30 PM

Highlights: Siluanov: freezing Russian assets is an ill-calculated step by the West. He emphasized that these decisions will be followed by a symmetrical response from Russia. Moscow, according to Siluanov, “has something to answer.” Earlier, French Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire said there was no legal basis for the seizure of Russian assets. “If this happens, it will all collapse. And this will cause more damage to Western companies than to the Russian Federation,” he said.

Freezing Russian sovereign assets is an ill-calculated step on the part of Western countries. Decisions to seize these assets, if adopted, will cause great damage to Western companies, says Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.

He emphasized that these decisions will be followed by a symmetrical response from Russia.

And Moscow, according to Siluanov, “has something to answer.”

In addition, Siluanov noted that such a decision would undermine confidence in the Western legal system.

“If this happens, it will all collapse.

And this will cause more damage to Western companies than to the Russian Federation,” RIA Novosti quotes the minister.

Earlier, French Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire said there was no legal basis for the seizure of Russian assets.