Teller Report

Poyang Lake Patrol Notes: Protecting Wetland Migratory Birds and Building Ecological Homes Together

2/29/2024, 7:13:53 AM

Highlights: Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China. It is also an internationally important wetland and the largest habitat for wintering migratory birds in Asia. In recent years, various regions in Jiangxi have implemented the spirit of the important instructions of "Working together to protect the Yangtze River" These measures have taken multiple measures to strengthen the protection of migratory. birds and the ecological environment of Poyang. Lake, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the Poyan Lake basin.

  China News Service, Nanchang, February 29 (Wu Fayang) Wetlands nourish Ganpo, and migratory birds connect the world.

Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China. It is also an internationally important wetland and the largest habitat for wintering migratory birds in Asia.

In recent years, various regions in Jiangxi have thoroughly implemented the spirit of the important instructions of "Working together to protect the Yangtze River" and taken multiple measures to strengthen the protection of migratory birds in Poyang Lake, Poyang Lake wetlands and the ecological environment of Poyang Lake, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the Poyang Lake basin.

  Guarding the migratory birds of Poyang Lake, patrolling and "feeding" them attentively

  "It's late at Pengli Lake, and the peach blossoms are full of spring. Birds are flying with thousands of white spots, and the sun is half red." Walking into Duchang County, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, the shores of Poyang Lake at sunset are particularly beautiful and moving. Nearby are endless wetlands, There are migratory birds flying in the sky, and in the distance are the lake and distant mountains where the water and the sky meet. A harmonious and beautiful picture slowly unfolds before your eyes.

  As usual, a group of people from Duan Qing County of the Poyang Lake Wildlife Rescue Association in Duchang County were patrolling the Poyang Lake Wetland. While they were observing the living conditions of migratory birds, they were picking up garbage left in the wetland. The cold wind blowing from the lake Their passion will never be quenched.

The picture shows members of the Poyang Lake Wildlife Rescue Association in Duchang County patrolling the wetland.

(Information picture) Photo provided by interviewee

  “During the patrol, we found that the water level of Poyang Lake was rising, and there were migratory birds such as cygnets, white spoonbills, and gray cranes on the tidal flats. We found no sky nets, poison baits, or iron traps, and no sick, injured, or dead birds were found in the areas we patrolled. Migratory birds in the wetland are free and safe." Duan Qingxian, president of the Poyang Lake Wildlife Rescue Association in Duchang County, recorded the day's patrol situation in his work diary.

  It is understood that the association was established in 2015. It is a voluntary, non-profit private organization with the purpose of protecting migratory birds in the Poyang Lake wetland and rescuing wild animals. It also takes into account ecological and environmental protection publicity, bird and fish protection actions, and wild animal rescue. , Poyang Lake ecological environment protection.

  Looking back on the association's work in 2023, Duanqing County proudly said, "In 2023, we patrolled 306 times, traveled 4,677 kilometers, successfully rescued 32 wild animals, and picked up about 2 tons of wetland garbage."

The picture shows a group of Oriental white storks fishing in the waters of the lake in Tanli Village, Nanfeng Town, Duchang County.

(Information photo) Photo by Yu Qiwen

  Up to now, the Duchang County Wildlife Rescue Association has rescued more than 800 migratory birds of various types including peregrine falcons, crested eagles, sparrow eagles and other national second-level protected wild animals, as well as Jiangxi Province's "three-have" wild protected animals such as night herons and Chinese egrets. Only.

  "The fishing boats singing late, the sound of the poor Pengli shore, the wild geese array is frightening, and the sound breaks the Hengyang Pu." More than a thousand years ago, Wang Bo, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, described the late autumn singing of the fishing boats on the Poyang Lake, and the wild geese in late autumn. A vast scene of wailing.

  More than a thousand years later, faced with the situation where some lakes and grasslands are covered with ice and snow, making it difficult for overwintering migratory birds to find food, the Duchang County Migratory Bird Nature Reserve Management Bureau recently took the initiative to organize more than 20 staff and volunteer bird guards to disperse birds by throwing them Thousands of kilograms of grains and corn are used to help migratory birds survive the short "food shortage period."

  Wu Minghua, deputy director of the Duchang County Migratory Bird Nature Reserve Management Bureau, said, "The migratory birds will migrate north in March, and we will do our best to stand on the last guard."

  Protect Poyang Lake Wetland and hitch a ride on eco-tourism

  "Migratory birds share the sky in the wetlands and can soar freely in the sky." Walking into the Xinjian District of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, in the Poyang Hunanji Wetland National Nature Reserve in Jiangxi Province, groups of migratory birds are perching and foraging on the endless wetlands, and a breeze blows Passing by, the reeds and meadows by the lake were swaying in the wind, and many tourists were watching birds through telescopes in the distance, a beautiful scene of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

  On February 18, the Poyang Hunanji Wetland National Nature Reserve Administration Bureau in Jiangxi Province carried out the 17th simultaneous survey of wintering waterbirds in the Nanji Wetland Reserve. A total of about 170,000 wintering waterbirds of various types were monitored, including national-level waterbirds. There are 359 protected animals: Oriental white storks and 1,180 white cranes.

  It is understood that in order to better explore and display the unique charm of Poyang Lake and Nanji Wetland, convey the natural ecological value and humanistic spirit, let people realize the beauty of wetland and the fragility of ecology, thereby encouraging the whole society to care for wetland and actively participate in its protection and restoring wetlands, the "3rd Jiangxi Poyang Lake International Bird Watching Season and the 1st Nanji Wetland Ecological Art Exhibition" was launched on February 1, with approximately 30,000 visitors during the Spring Festival.

The picture shows the exhibition scene of the "Third Jiangxi Poyang Lake International Bird Watching Season and the First Nanji Wetland Ecological Art Exhibition".

Photo provided by interviewee

  In order to meet the needs of more tourists, the exhibition period will be extended to April 2, when visitors can wander among various art works such as oil paintings, traditional Chinese paintings, prints, mixed-material paintings, posters, and art installations.

  The relevant person in charge of the Hunanji Wetland National Nature Reserve Administration Bureau in Poyang, Jiangxi said that there are 23 saucer-shaped lakes in the Hunanji Wetland National Nature Reserve in Poyang, Jiangxi. The saucer-shaped lakes should be managed well, the wetland ecosystem should be maintained, and the lakes should be preserved for winter migratory birds. Living with water is an important part of Poyang Lake wetland restoration and biodiversity protection.

The picture shows migratory birds inhabiting the Hunanji Wetland National Nature Reserve in Poyang, Jiangxi.

Photo courtesy of the Hunanji Wetland National Nature Reserve Administration Bureau in Poyang, Jiangxi

  In order to improve the carrying capacity of water resources and water environment during the dry season, protect migratory birds from overwintering safely, and continue to enhance the international influence of Jiangxi's ecological brand, the Ganfuweilu Comprehensive Improvement Project officially started construction in December 2021. The total investment in the project is approximately 17 billion yuan .

  The advancement of the comprehensive improvement project of Fuweilu in Gansu Province has made Nanji Wetland National Nature Reserve, Five-Star White Crane Protection Community and other places become popular tourist spots. More and more tourists come here to visit, and migratory birds come to visit The "flow" has turned green into gold, not only realizing a "win-win" situation in which ecological value is transformed into serving rural revitalization and development, but also painting an ecological picture of Nanchang's "pure water, clear lakes, clear homes, and beautiful rivers and lakes surrounding Yuzhang".

  Protect the ecological environment of Poyang Lake and pass on "a lake of clean water" to future generations

  Jiangxi has a lot of water. The Ganjiang River, Fuhe River, Xinjiang River, Raohe River and Xiuhe River are the five major water systems in Jiangxi. The five rivers return to Po Lake, and Po Lake flows into the Yangtze River. The five rivers and one lake nourish the millions of people in the land of Gan and Po.

"I envy the fish but not the birds when they are near the lake. Keep the clear waves waiting for the golden scales." Therefore, guarding the clear water of a lake is not only the responsibility and obligation of the residents of Poyang Lake, but also the unshirkable mission of all the people of Ganpo.

  In recent years, the water quality of Poyang Lake has improved, but the overall treatment effect is still unstable. The most important problem is excessive total phosphorus.

  It is understood that the main sources of total phosphorus pollution in the Poyang Lake basin include industrial wastewater and domestic sewage.

Excessive total phosphorus in the water will cause eutrophication of the water body, and algae will grow rapidly in the water, causing great harm to water organisms.

In addition, phosphorus pollution can also affect human health. When drinking phosphorus-contaminated water or using it for food processing, some harmful substances may be ingested, posing a threat to human health.

  In order to further win the battle to prevent and control total phosphorus pollution in the Poyang Lake Basin, the fifth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress reviewed and approved the "Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Total Phosphorus Pollution in the Poyang Lake Basin of Jiangxi Province" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), starting from 2024 It will come into effect on January 1, 2019.

The "Regulations" focus on solving problems that need to be regulated through legislation in practice, and protect Poyang Lake with the power of the rule of law.

The picture shows migratory birds spending the winter in Kangshan Lake District Migratory Bird Nature Reserve and adjacent areas in Yugan County.

(File photo) Photo provided by Yugan County Financial Media Center

  Jiang Xianzhen, director of the Environmental Resources Supervision Division of the Environmental Resources Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress, introduced that the "Regulations" clarified the responsible entities and their work responsibilities for the prevention and control of total phosphorus pollution in the Poyang Lake Basin, and made relevant provisions on the use of phosphorus-containing detergents in the Poyang Lake Basin; It is clarified that phosphorus-related industrial enterprises, large-scale livestock and poultry farms and urban sewage treatment plants listed as key pollutant discharge units should install automatic monitoring equipment for water pollutant discharge containing total phosphorus indicators.

  As the country's first provincial-level local regulation on the prevention and control of single pollutants of total phosphorus in lakes, the "Regulations" are an important attempt by Jiangxi to solve major ecological and environmental problems with "small incision" legislation.

The promulgation of the "Regulations" will provide a strong legal guarantee for further improving the water environment quality of the Poyang Lake Basin in Jiangxi Province, especially improving the water quality of Poyang Lake, so that Poyang Lake's "one lake of clear water" can be better inherited.

  "How many birds of Poyang Lake do you know? They can't see the clouds and the moon when they fly, and they can't see the grass by the lakeside when they fall." Protecting Poyang Lake has a long way to go. The people of Ganpo and Poyang need to work together and work hard for a long time to protect this beautiful and vast lake. The scene allows future generations to see the majestic beauty of Poyang Lake with their own eyes.
