Teller Report

National Bureau of Statistics: Research and experimental development expenditures in 2023 will be 3.3278 billion yuan

2/29/2024, 3:43:30 AM

Highlights: National Bureau of Statistics: Research and experimental development expenditures in 2023 will be 3.3278 billion yuan. The proportion of funding expenditure is 6.65%. The National Natural Science Foundation of China has funded a total of 52,500 projects. The world's first liquid oxygen methane rocket, the Zhuque-2 Yao-2 carrier rocket, was successfully launched. The quantum computing prototype Jiuzhang-3 was successfully constructed. The fully superconducting tokamak nuclear fusion experimental device achieved steady-state high-confinement mode plasma operation.

  China News Service, February 29. According to the website of the National Bureau of Statistics, on February 29, the National Bureau of Statistics released the 2023 National Economic and Social Development Statistical Bulletin.

  The annual research and experimental development (R&D) expenditure was 3.3278 billion yuan, an increase of 8.1% over the previous year, and the ratio to the GDP was 2.64%. Among them, the basic research expenditure was 221.2 billion yuan, an increase of 9.3% over the previous year, accounting for R&D The proportion of funding expenditure is 6.65%.

The National Natural Science Foundation of China has funded a total of 52,500 projects.

By the end of the year, 207 national engineering research centers and 1,798 national enterprise technology centers had been included in the new sequence management.

The National Science and Technology Achievements Transformation Guidance Fund has established a total of 36 sub-funds, with a total capital scale of 62.4 billion yuan.

There are 1,606 national-level technology business incubators and 2,376 nationally registered maker spaces.

921,000 invention patents were granted throughout the year, an increase of 15.3% over the previous year.

The number of PCT patent applications accepted was 74,000.

As of the end of the year, there were 4.991 million valid invention patents, an increase of 18.5% over the end of the previous year.

The number of high-value invention patents per 10,000 people is 11.8.

There were 4.383 million trademark registrations throughout the year, a decrease of 29.0% from the previous year.

A total of 950,000 technology contracts were signed throughout the year, with a transaction value of 6.1476 billion yuan, an increase of 28.6% over the previous year.

The proportion of Chinese citizens with scientific literacy reaches 14.14%.

Source: National Bureau of Statistics website

  66 space launches were successfully completed throughout the year.

The Tianzhou-6, Shenzhou-16, and Shenzhou-17 missions were implemented one after another, and the Chinese space station entered the application and development stage.

The world's first liquid oxygen methane rocket, the Zhuque-2 Yao-2 carrier rocket, was successfully launched.

The quantum computing prototype Jiuzhang-3 was successfully constructed.

The fully superconducting tokamak nuclear fusion experimental device achieved steady-state high-confinement mode plasma operation for 403 seconds.

The world's first fourth-generation nuclear power plant high-temperature gas-cooled reactor demonstration project has been put into commercial operation.

The world's first 16 MW offshore wind turbine was connected to the grid to generate electricity.

The C919 large passenger aircraft was officially put into commercial operation.

The first domestically produced large cruise ship has completed its trial voyage.

The Struggle manned submersible completed the ultimate deep dive.

  By the end of the year, there were 877 national quality inspection centers across the country.

There are currently 1,242 product quality, system and service certification agencies across the country, and a total of 1.02 million companies have been certified.

Throughout the year, 2,902 national standards were formulated and revised, of which 1,708 were newly formulated.

The annual manufacturing product quality qualification rate was 93.65%.

  Throughout the year, 1.302 million students were enrolled in postgraduate education, with 3.883 million postgraduate students and 1.015 million graduates.

There are 10.422 million students enrolled in general and vocational colleges and universities, 37.75 million students are enrolled, and 10.470 million graduates.

Secondary vocational education enrolled 6.165 million students, with 17.379 million students and 5.371 million graduates.

Regular high school enrollment is 9.678 million, with 28.036 million students and 8.604 million graduates.

Junior high school enrollment is 17.546 million, with 52.437 million students and 16.236 million graduates.

Regular primary school enrollment is 18.779 million, with 108.360 million students and 17.635 million graduates.

Special education enrollment is 155,000, with 912,000 students and 173,000 graduates.

There are 40.93 million children in preschool education.

The nine-year compulsory education consolidation rate is 95.7%, and the high school gross enrollment rate is 91.8%.

Source: National Bureau of Statistics website