Teller Report

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry summarizes measures that companies should take to support “business carers”

2/29/2024, 7:43:28 PM

Highlights: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry summarizes measures that companies should take to support “business carers”. People who provide nursing care for family members while working are called " business carers" The number continues to increase against the backdrop of aging and population decline, and the country predicts that the number will increase to 3.18 million by 2030. If sufficient support is not provided, the economic loss will exceed 9 trillion yen, it is estimated.. We are calling for systems that allow for flexible working styles and enhanced financial support.

[NHK] With the aging of the population and other factors, working people are increasingly being overwhelmed with work and nursing care. In order to support the balance between work and nursing care, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has...

With the aging of the population and other factors, working people are increasingly being overwhelmed with work and nursing care.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has compiled new countermeasures that companies should take, such as understanding the actual situation and implementing training, in order to support the balance between work and nursing care.

People who provide nursing care for family members while working are called "business carers," and the number continues to increase against the backdrop of aging and population decline, and the country predicts that the number will increase to 3.18 million by 2030.

As a result, the number of people who are unable to work or are forced to retire due to the burden of nursing care is expected to increase, and if sufficient support is not provided, the economic loss will exceed 9 trillion yen. It is estimated.

Support for balancing work and nursing care is essential for the growth of companies, so the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has compiled new draft guidelines showing measures that companies should take.

Among these, there are cases in which employees with nursing care issues do not want to share information with those around them due to concerns about the impact on their careers, and cases in which employees with nursing care issues do not want to share information with those around them because they are concerned about the impact on their careers. It shows things like going.

In addition, companies are encouraged to appoint executives in charge of the issue, to understand the actual state of nursing care issues through surveys and interviews, to conduct in-house training and surveys with specific numerical targets, and to provide flexible support. We are calling for systems that allow for flexible working styles and enhanced financial support.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry plans to finalize these draft guidelines soon and disseminate them to all companies, including small and medium-sized enterprises, to encourage their efforts.