Teller Report

It is proposed to take the registration of life annuity under the control of government agencies

2/29/2024, 9:03:29 PM

Highlights: Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Krupnik proposed considering the possibility of changing the legal mechanisms of life annuity. A copy of the appeal addressed to the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Russia Anton Kotyakov is at RT’s disposal. In recent years the practice of lifeannuity in exchange for the transfer of real estate and property of the ward has become widespread in the country, Krupniks said. He said he regularly receives requests from Russians concerned about high-profile stories of such scams.

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Krupnik proposed considering the possibility of changing the legal mechanisms of life annuity in terms of involving government bodies as a permanent arbitration observer. A copy of the appeal addressed to the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Russia Anton Kotyakov is at RT’s disposal.

As the deputy explained, in recent years the practice of life annuity in exchange for the transfer of real estate and property of the ward has become widespread in the country.

As a rule, the users of such a service are elderly and lonely people who need special care and concern, noted RT’s interlocutor.

Of course, according to Krupnik, thanks to this social mechanism, many lonely and infirm citizens were able to receive care, care and attention, which allowed them to extend the years of active life.

But, as he emphasized, this practice has also provoked the emergence of all sorts of fraudulent schemes that allow attackers to seize the property of protected citizens.

As Krupnik noted, he regularly receives requests from Russians concerned about high-profile stories of such scams.

“I ask you to consider the possibility of changing the legal mechanisms of life annuity in terms of involving government bodies as a permanent arbitration observer.

In other words, the preparation and compliance with the annuity agreement must be carried out under the continuous supervision of social services in order to exclude the possibility of fraudulent activities, violations of the terms of the annuity agreement and infringement of the rights of the ward,” the text of the appeal says.

Earlier, Krupnik proposed considering the possibility of revising the current rules for the employment of disabled people and persons with disabilities in terms of simplifying procedures and stimulating employers themselves to hire them.