Teller Report

Human attitude towards the future

2/29/2024, 8:43:58 PM

Highlights: The national program “Family’ is also about norms within society, about the philosophy of accepting large families, and accepting each other in general. Supporting family values ​​and fertility is not just about money and square meters. Sometimes in cramped conditions, but in love it’s no worse than in mansions and scandals. As Vladimir Vladimirovich said, demography is influenced not only by the economy, but also by “the quality of the social sphere, life guidelines”

“The national program “Family” is also about norms within society, about the philosophy of accepting large families, and accepting each other in general. Whether it’s a guarantee of a comfortable and happy future with a clear system of career guidance and a career elevator, or 75 billion rubles for regions with low birth rates - all measures should be based on the motive of helping compatriots and a human attitude towards the future.”

For me, like all of Vladimir Putin’s public speeches in recent years,

today’s message is about people.

Some people still live in the paradigm that Putin is president because there is no one else: they say, there is no alternative.

And I understand that no one else can do it the way he does.

No one will say openly that the Unified State Exam system is imperfect and we need to strive to ensure that the person comes first, and not a piece of paper.

And everyone needs second chances, at least in the form of the opportunity to retake the exam, which will automatically relieve tension within families and remove some of the anxiety among applicants.

No one else will say that many, and in particular large families, have low incomes.

No one else openly admits weaknesses and offers solutions based on a deep understanding of the problem.

Supporting family values ​​and fertility is not just about money and square meters.

Sometimes in cramped conditions, but in love it’s no worse than in mansions and scandals.

As Vladimir Vladimirovich said, demography is influenced not only by the economy, but also by “the quality of the social sphere, life guidelines.”

So it is the balance of both that will give its results.

The national program “Family” (with which the mortgage is extended until 2030 with partial repayment of the loan up to almost 500 thousand rubles, and tax deductions for children from 2.8 thousand to 6 thousand rubles per month) - also about the norms inside society, about the philosophy of accepting large families, and accepting each other in general.

Whether it is a guarantee of a comfortable and happy future with a clear system of career guidance and a career elevator, or 75 billion rubles for regions with low birth rates - all measures should be based on the motive of helping compatriots and a human attitude towards the future.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editors.