Teller Report

Gabriel Attal traveling to the Vosges on Friday to promote the new France Travail system

2/29/2024, 8:23:35 PM

Highlights: The new system will be in place until the end of the year. It will allow people to work up to 20 hours a week. The new system is designed to make it easier for people to earn a living. The system is aimed at people who want to work in the private sector. It is not intended to replace the current system, which is based on the principle of equal pay for equal work. It was designed to encourage people to take on more responsibility for their own well-being. It does not mean that people will have to give up their jobs, however.

Gabriel Attal will promote the new France Travail system on Friday in the Vosges, which has replaced Pôle emploi and which now makes obtaining the RSA conditional on 15 hours of activity. He will then visit the Mauffrey Academy training center and then the Numalliance company, where he will speak.

Europe 1 / Photo credit: XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP 9:09 p.m., February 29, 2024

Gabriel Attal will be promoting the new France Travail system on Friday in the Vosges, which has replaced Pôle emploi and which now makes obtaining the RSA conditional on 15 hours of activity.

He will then visit the Mauffrey Academy training center and then the Numalliance company, where he will speak.

Gabriel Attal, who has made work one of the major themes of his action, will promote the new France Travail system on Friday in the Vosges, which replaced Pôle emploi and which now makes obtaining RSA conditional on hours of activity.

Accompanied by Ministers Catherine Vautrin (Labour) and Roland Lescure (Industry), the Prime Minister will go to the France Travail agency in Epinal where he will speak with unemployed people, active solidarity income (RSA) recipients and their companions.

He will then visit the Mauffrey Academy training center and then the Numalliance company, where he will speak on the theme of work.

“We must always have a model that encourages people to return to work, (...) working must always yield more than not working,” he reaffirmed on RTL on Tuesday on the sidelines of a visit to the Paris Salon. agriculture, as in his general policy declaration on January 30 where he said the word work around forty times.

A “commitment contract” 

Gabriel Attal notably announced in this speech that the unemployed at the end of their rights would no longer have a specific solidarity allowance (ASS) and would be switched to the RSA, under which they will no longer be able to validate quarters for their retirement.

The monthly amount of RSA, which is paid by family allowance funds, is 607.75 euros for a single person and 911.63 euros for a couple without children.



- Gabriel Attal promises to “continue to reform”, starting with unemployment insurance

The number of departments where obtaining the RSA will be conditional on 15 hours of activity will increase by the end of February from 18 to 47, before the generalization of this obligation planned for 2025, indicated the Minister of Labor Catherine Vautrin.

The Vosges is one of the departments selected to test the new system, with an “engagement contract” providing for hours of activity in “a logic of rights and duties” provided for as part of the France Travail reform.

This integration system is accompanied in principle by 15 to 20 hours of activity per week within local missions or at France Travail: training, company immersions, job search workshops... Gabriel Attal, who hears keeping an eye on education, his former portfolio, will also lay a wreath on the grave of his distant predecessor Jules Ferry at the Côte Calot cemetery in Saint-Dié-des-Vosges.