Teller Report

Chinese women's figure skating looks forward to "rolling" outwards

2/29/2024, 3:33:36 AM

Highlights: Chinese women's figure skating looks forward to "rolling" outwards. No one in the Chinese women's singles has reached the minimum technical score standard for the adult World Championships this season. Jin Shuxian, 12, defeated many national skaters who represented the Chinese team in international events this season and finished second in one fell swoop. While the adult group is struggling to move forward, a group of young players with both jumping and gliding abilities have emerged in China, especially the women’s singles in Beijing.

  Our reporter Wang Xiaoxiao

  This season's World Figure Skating Championships will be held in Montreal from March 18th to 25th. The Chinese Figure Skating Association recently announced the list of participants.

Since no one in the Chinese women's singles has reached the minimum technical score standard for the adult World Championships this season, it has become the only event for the Chinese team to miss this World Championship.

  In the women's singles figure skating competition of the 14th National Winter Games that ended recently, 12-year-old Jin Shuxian defeated many national skaters who represented the Chinese team in international events this season and finished second in one fell swoop.

As the number of participants in the project increases, a large number of outstanding "little girls" have emerged in China.

While the competition within China's women's singles is fierce, in the future, it will also need to "roll" externally through its own efforts.

  Look at the world’s overall strength lagging behind

  The Chinese women's singles, which has achieved excellent results in world competitions, has fallen far behind in terms of overall strength.

  To qualify for the World Championships, you must obtain a minimum technical score in a designated level event, but no Chinese girl has reached the standard this season.

The 21-year-old "veteran" Chen Hongyi previously met the standard in the short and middle program at the Grand Prix China Station, but the free skate repeatedly had problems with insufficient jump cycles and missed opportunities.

18-year-old Cheng Jiaying "brushed" the lowest technical score in the free skate in the Youth Grand Prix, but the short program failed after several efforts.

The 17-year-old Beijing girl An Xiangyi, who won the runner-up in the 14th winter, won the adult international competition crown for the first time in the Asian Open last August, and met the technical score requirements of the short program of the World Championships, but she did not win the following two grand prix. Crossing the "threshold" of free skating.

  While the adult group is struggling to move forward, a group of young players with both jumping and gliding abilities have emerged in China, especially the women's singles in Beijing, which is full of talents.

On the 14th winter, five members of the Beijing team participated in the open group competition, and sent and jointly trained many players to other teams. In the youth group, seven people participated in the competition and won the top four.

But compared with foreign opponents of the same age, China's "little women's singles" have no advantage.

At the recent Winter Youth Olympic Games in South Korea, Gao Shiqi, the national youth championship champion and runner-up in the 14th Winter Youth Group, finished seventh.

  Team members find the right direction for their efforts

  Chen Lu, a former women's singles national player who has won two Winter Olympic medals and climbed to the highest podium of the World Championships, told this reporter when talking about the phenomenon of Chinese women's singles interruptions. She wants to have excellent technical difficulty and stability. Sex, "you still have to find the right direction, work hard, and be willing to endure hardships."

  What is gratifying is that several "big players" who have suffered a lot this season said in interviews during the 14th winter that they have seen their shortcomings.

  Chen Hongyi said frankly that due to injuries and other reasons, her systematic training was seriously affected, and her movements were not stable. Then she was "unsure, couldn't let go on the court, and always held back her energy", resulting in "defects" in her jumps.

For her, she still needs to actively recover and ensure training.

Cheng Jiaying is a bit "slow to warm up". She believes that this is related to her training method and needs to be adjusted.

In addition, there are some details in skating, performances, ice falling, etc., which are already being improved.

  An Xiangyi has been affected by her physical growth in recent years, and she can only sacrifice difficulty in the "fierce and stable relationship", and even "lost" some advanced jump combos.

However, she has also found a direction for improvement, "Recently I have discovered that I can start with physical fitness. My body has grown taller and heavier, and my strength is still at the level of a child. It will definitely not be able to support technical movements. I have strengthened physical training in the past two months."

  Young players are worth looking forward to in the future

  Chen Lu believes that the future of China's women's singles is still worth looking forward to. The emergence of a large number of rookies can form healthy competition and raise the level of the "top players" in the competition.

  However, Chen Lu also mentioned that the development period is like the "second life" of women's singles players. If the young players want to make achievements after entering the adult group at the age of 17, they must try to survive the "development stage" smoothly.

She believes that while strictly controlling weight, young players should also do basic training. "Solid and excellent basic skills can reduce the impact on development. As long as children can endure hardship, coupled with scientific training methods and nutritional guarantees, The future should be better.”

  The young players who have made an impact on the big sisters in the domestic arena are also full of ambition and confidence.

14-year-old Beijing Xiaoyatong Ruichen has been on the podium in the national championships and national championships. She hopes that while training hard and strictly controlling her weight, she can participate in more competitions and develop a good mentality.

Beijing girl Jin Shuxian, who represented the Sichuan team in the 14th winter, is also confident in the future of China's women's singles and "hopes that she can contribute to this project."