Teller Report

2024 investments: advice to savers, life insurance is starting the year with a bang

2/29/2024, 7:23:56 PM

Highlights: 2024 investments: advice to savers, life insurance is starting the year with a bang. In January, the total contributions, that is to say the payments on these insurance contracts, reached almost 16 billion euros. An exceptional performance for this type of contract which has often been in the shadow of the Livret. In 2024, insurers are promising enhanced rates that reach or exceed 4% for contracts that include stock market investments. Despite the fall in inflation, the savings rate is stable, around 17% of disposable income.

2024 is off to a great start for life insurance. In January, the total contributions, that is to say the payments on these insurance contracts, reached almost 16 billion euros. An exceptional performance for this type of contract which has often been in the shadow of the Livret.

Barthélémy Philippe // Photo credit: Thibaut Durand / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP 8:13 p.m., February 29, 2024

2024 is off to a great start for life insurance.

In January, the total contributions, that is to say the payments on these insurance contracts, reached almost 16 billion euros.

An exceptional performance for this type of contract which has often been in the shadow of the Livret. 

Notice to savers, the year 2024 promises to be a good year for life insurance.

In January 2024, the total amount of contributions reached 16 billion euros.

This is quite simply a record, with payments increasing by 12% over one year.

January's net inflow, that is to say the difference between deposits and withdrawals, reached 2.4 billion euros.

And the total outstanding life insurance contracts are approaching 2,000 billion euros. 

The savings rate is stable, around 17% of disposable income

Overtaken by the success of Livret A last year, life insurance is finally taking its revenge.

This is the result of an aggressive policy by insurers who have boosted their offers to meet the 3% of Livret A. The rates for contracts secured in euro funds are between 2 and 3.5%, with a ceiling well above that of booklet A. 


Up to 5% return in the first year: towards a return to favor for Life Insurance?

In 2024, insurers are promising enhanced rates that reach or exceed 4% for contracts that include stock market investments.

Furthermore, the French continue to act like ants.

Despite the fall in inflation, the savings rate is stable, around 17% of disposable income.