Teller Report

Transnistria called reports of plans to join Russia as speculation

2/28/2024, 7:33:12 PM

Highlights: Transnistria called reports of plans to join Russia as speculation. Reports about the alleged plans of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR) to become part of Russia are speculation. This was stated by the head of the Foreign Ministry of the unrecognized republic, Vitaly Ignatiev. According to him, no one in the PMR initially planned to turn to Russia with a request for recognition and entry into its composition. Earlier it was reported that at the congress of deputies in Transnistrian they supported Russian peacekeepers on the Dniester.

Reports about the alleged plans of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR) to become part of Russia are speculation. This was stated by the head of the Foreign Ministry of the unrecognized republic, Vitaly Ignatiev.

According to him, voiced in an interview with Gazeta.Ru, no one in the PMR initially planned to turn to Russia with a request for recognition and entry into its composition.

“These were media speculations, and we saw in the Moldovan media, in the media of neighboring states, which, in our opinion, was caused by an attempt to somehow shift the focus of attention from the Seventh Congress of Deputies of all levels and to some extent discredit it,” said Ignatiev.

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pridnestrovie added that for this reason, a set of appeals to international participants was adopted at the meeting.

Earlier it was reported that at the congress of deputies in Transnistria they supported Russian peacekeepers on the Dniester.