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Tianshan Shengli Tunnel seizes the "golden period" of spring construction and will be fully completed by the end of the year - China News Service Video

2/28/2024, 2:04:39 PM

Highlights: Tianshan Shengli Tunnel seizes the "golden period" of spring construction and will be fully completed by the end of the year. It is the longest highway tunnel under construction in the world. The tunnel adopts the "three holes + four shafts" construction method, that is, the left and right main holes are constructed using the drill and blast method. After the tunnel is completed, it will only take about 20 minutes to drive through the Tianshan Mountains.

Tianshan Shengli Tunnel seizes the "golden period" of spring construction and will be fully completed by the end of the year

  Recently, the construction of the Tianshan Shengli Tunnel Project on the Xinjiang G0711 Urumqi to Yuli Expressway (referred to as the Wuwei Expressway) seized the "golden period" of spring construction, and the construction was carried out at full speed and entered the all-out sprint stage.

As of February 27, 94% of the overall excavation task of the tunnel's guide tunnel had been completed, laying a solid foundation for achieving the goal of full tunnel penetration this year.

  The Tianshan Shengli Tunnel is 22.1 kilometers long and passes through the Tianshan Mountains. It is the longest highway tunnel under construction in the world.

Its average altitude is 3,000 meters, and the lowest temperature can reach minus 40 degrees Celsius. It is a typical alpine, high-altitude highway tunnel.

  The tunnel adopts the "three holes + four shafts" construction method, that is, the left and right main holes are constructed using the drill and blast method, and the middle pilot tunnel is constructed using the innovative "TBM hard rock boring machine" for opposite excavation construction, significantly shortening the "long tunnel and short tunnel" Construction period.

This technology is also used for the first time in domestic highway tunnel construction.

During the construction process, the project team always overcame difficulties and obstacles and worked hard to advance deep into the Tianshan Mountains.

  After the tunnel is completed, it will only take about 20 minutes to drive through the Tianshan Mountains.

Traveling from Urumqi to Korla will no longer "cross the Tianshan Mountains", and the driving time can be shortened from 7 hours to about 3 hours. It is of great significance to promoting the construction of the core area of ​​the Xinjiang Silk Road Economic Belt, promoting the economic development of northern and southern Xinjiang, and the development of regional advantages.

  (Video source of Zhao Yamin Battardala Yilidar Yiming from Xinjiang Bazhou Fusion Media Center)

Editor in charge: [Luo Pan]