Teller Report

The pulse of Ábalos delves into the weakness of Pedro Sánchez

2/28/2024, 12:23:26 AM

Highlights: The pulse of Ábalos delves into the weakness of Pedro Sánchez. With Puigdemont's pending legislature and after the debacle in Galicia, the decision of the former Minister of Transport to maintain his record as a deputy and move to the Mixed Group - becoming a turncoat. The problem for La Moncloa is serious: Whoever has bent SánChez's arm is a figure inseparable from that of the president himself. He was its Secretary of Organization and led the portfolio with the most awards to companies.

With the resounding push that José Luis Ábalos has proposed to Pedro Sánchez, the president accuses an unknown blow to his authority that would be difficult to imagine in moments...


Updated Wednesday, February 28, 2024-00:09

With the resounding push that José Luis Ábalos has posed to Pedro Sánchez,

the president accuses an unknown blow to his authority

that would be difficult to imagine in previous moments, when his resistance in the face of all types of obstacles to reaching power and staying in it was not seen. resentful

With Puigdemont's pending legislature and after the debacle in Galicia, the decision of the former Minister of Transport to maintain his record as a deputy and move to the Mixed Group - becoming a

turncoat - represents a challenging questioning of Sánchez's strength in a way that not even García-Page had carried out.

In order to contain the impact of

Koldo case,

Ferraz gave Ábalos an ultimatum that proved unsuccessful.

The party has acted quickly, pretending

set a high bar against corruption


The same ribbon that, by the way, Ábalos himself brandished.

However, the president's moral authority has long been destroyed in this matter: Sánchez maintains that

"he who lives by the sword will die by the sword"

while finalizing an amnesty in exchange for power for those who committed serious crimes, these have been proven, in Catalonia.

Beyond losing a safe seat for its weak majority, the problem for La Moncloa is serious:

Whoever has bent Sánchez's arm is a figure inseparable from that of the president himself.

He was its Secretary of Organization and led the portfolio with the most awards to companies.

As Ábalos recalled yesterday in his challenging press conference, he was Sánchez's great support in his reconquest of Ferraz.

She was also his spokesperson in the founding motion of censure, raised as a dam against the corruption of the PP.

Now it is ironic that in his defense he uses the same victim story as that of Sánchez.

: that of a man dedicated to militancy, "alone" in his car, clinging to his convictions and facing "everyone", especially the apparatus of his own party.

The reality is that as a deputy he will be more protected before Justice: only the Supreme Court will be able to charge him.

Although Ábalos is right when he assures that, for now, he is not investigated in the case against Koldo García, he is at least politically responsible for promoting him in the Ministry, even to advisor of Renfe Mercancías y Puertos del Estado.

The investigation will clarify whether the minister was aware of the illegalities surrounding the purchases of masks from the company Soluciones de Gestión.

However, the questions do not end in Ábalos.

It was Sánchez who granted Ábalos absolute power.

It was Santos Cerdán, current number 3 of the PSOE, who introduced Koldo García to Ferraz.

And went

Francina Armengol - strikingly nervous yesterday - and Ángel Víctor Torres

who presided over the two regional governments whose dark contracts with this company are already being investigated by the European Prosecutor's Office.


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