Teller Report

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Transnistria told what kind of help the republic expects from Russia

2/28/2024, 6:53:40 PM

Highlights: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Transnistria told what kind of help the republic expects from Russia. Pridnestrovie expects Russia to continue the peacekeeping mechanism until its implementation. Russia is a full-fledged mediator in the international negotiation process, the official said. Earlier, Moscow called the protection of compatriots in the unrecognized PridNestrovian Moldavian Republic one of Russia’s priorities. The head of the Transnestrian diplomatic department noted that there are attacks against this mechanism.

Pridnestrovie expects Russia to continue the peacekeeping mechanism until its implementation. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic Vitaly Ignatiev.

In a conversation with Gazeta.Ru, the head of the Transnistrian diplomatic department noted that there are attacks against this mechanism, and attempts are being made to “dismantle the peacekeeping mission.”

“The second most important factor is that Russia is a full-fledged mediator in the international negotiation process.

Therefore, we ask that political and diplomatic measures be taken to protect the interests of the residents of Pridnestrovie,” he added.

Earlier, Moscow called the protection of compatriots in the unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic one of Russia’s priorities.