Teller Report

The headquarters of the International Mediation Court will be located in Hong Kong: more than 460 million Hong Kong dollars will be involved and the target is to be delivered by the end of next year

2/28/2024, 5:24:27 AM

Highlights: Hong Kong's "Wen Wei Po" reported that the headquarters of the International Court of Mediation will be located in Hong Kong. The project cost is estimated to be more than HK$466 million, and the target is to be completed by the end of 2025. The old Wan Chai Police Station is a Grade II historic building. It was built in 1932 and is located at 123 Gloucester Road,Wan Chai, next to the main traffic artery in Hong. Kong Island.

  China News Service, February 28 (Xinhua) Hong Kong's "Wen Wei Po" reported that the headquarters of the International Court of Mediation will be located in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong SAR government plans to transform the old Wan Chai Police Station into the headquarters of the International Court of Mediation. The project cost is estimated to be more than HK$466 million, and the target is to be completed by the end of 2025. It was successfully delivered to the headquarters of the International Mediation Court before.

  According to information, the old Wan Chai Police Station is a Grade II historic building. It was built in 1932 and is located at 123 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, next to the main traffic artery in Hong Kong Island. It completed its historical mission in 2010 and moved to the new police headquarters in Wan Chai in phases. building.

  The Hong Kong SAR government plans to convert the historical building Old Wan Chai Police Station into the headquarters of the International Court of Mediation.

Hong Kong "Wen Wei Po" picture

  The Secretary for Justice of the SAR government, Lam Ting-kwok, stated at a meeting of the Public Works Subcommittee of the Legislative Council of the SAR on the 27th that according to the agreement reached by the parties negotiating the "Convention on the Establishment of the International Mediation Court", the headquarters of the International Mediation Court must be ready within next year, so the government aims to complete it by the middle of next year. Basic projects will be carried out to ensure the successful delivery of the headquarters to the International Court of Mediation by the end of next year as promised.

  Lam Dingguo said that the International Court of Mediation will become the first intergovernmental international organization with its headquarters in Hong Kong.

This reconstruction marks two very important "firsts": First, the International Court of Mediation will be the world's first inter-governmental international organization dedicated to resolving international disputes through mediation. The formation of institutions and methods is a useful and effective supplement, providing new options for the peaceful settlement of international disputes; second, this is the first international organization to set up its headquarters in Hong Kong.

  Lin Dingguo revealed that the SAR government will continue to maintain close communication with the International Mediation Court Preparatory Office to ensure that the design meets actual operational needs and relevant international standards.

The relevant project costs have been included in the necessary conservation works, and future maintenance costs will be borne by the SAR government. At present, there are no unexpected other costs.

  According to reports, the Hong Kong Legislative Council passed the "International Organizations (Privileges and Immunities) (Amendment) Bill 2022" on third reading on December 7, 2022, allowing any institutions related to the establishment of international organizations and related matters related to such institutions. persons, and implement the privileges and immunities under the arrangement between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and the SAR Government.

Lam Ting-kwok said at the time that the establishment of the International Mediation Court would provide friendly, flexible, economical and efficient mediation services for international disputes, and consolidate the role of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as an international center in the Asia-Pacific region in the national "14th Five-Year Plan" and the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Legal and Dispute Resolution Service Center Status.

Many members of the Legislative Council expressed support, describing the relevant arrangements as an encouragement to Hong Kong's development into an international legal center.