Teller Report

Suspected cases of dengue fever in Brazil approach 1 million

2/28/2024, 3:43:22 AM

Highlights: Suspected cases of dengue fever in Brazil approach 1 million. In the region, 195 deaths have been confirmed and 672 cases are under investigation. Six states and the Federal District of the country, including Acre, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, and Santa Catarina, have A public health emergency has been declared. The country will hold a National Mobilization Day to Combat Dengue Fever on March 2.

  China News Service, Sao Paulo, February 27. The Brazilian Ministry of Health held a press conference in Brasilia on the 27th and stated that in the first eight weeks of 2024, about 973,000 suspected cases of dengue fever were reported across the country, mainly concentrated in the south, southeast and central and western regions. In the region, 195 deaths have been confirmed and 672 cases are under investigation.

  The Brazilian Ministry of Health stated that six states and the Federal District of the country, including Acre, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, and Santa Catarina, have A public health emergency has been declared due to the dengue fever epidemic.

The country will hold a National Mobilization Day to Combat Dengue Fever on March 2.

  The Brazilian Ministry of Health stated that it will prioritize the allocation of anti-epidemic funds to areas in a state of public health emergency.

Currently, the first tranche of funds, R$23.4 million, has been sent to Minas Gerais, Goiás, Rio de Janeiro, and Sao Paulo.

  Citing mosquito-borne disease surveillance data disclosed by the Ministry of Health that day, Brazil's national news agency said that among suspected dengue cases in the country, 55.3% were female and 44.7% were male.

The age group between 30 and 39 years old has the highest incidence of dengue fever, followed by the age groups between 40 and 49 years old and 50 and 59 years old.

  The regions reporting more suspected cases are: 311,333 cases in Minas Gerais state, 161,397 cases in Sao Paulo, 98,169 cases in the Federal District of Brasilia, and 94,361 cases in Paraná state.

  Brazilian media G1 News Network stated that the Brazilian government announced in early February that the country’s emergency relief funds would be increased to 1.5 billion reais to support states, cities and federal districts in responding to emergencies, such as combating the dengue fever epidemic.

In 2023, the Ministry of Health has only R$256 million in emergency funds set aside.

  Many Brazilian epidemic prevention experts were interviewed and pointed out that the situation in Brazil is worrying.

Andre Siqueira, vice president of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine, told the Brazilian National Radio that the surge in dengue fever cases in Brazil has already broken historical records and is likely to continue to increase, putting huge pressure on the medical system.
