Teller Report

State Post Bureau: Resolutely rectify illegal charging of rural express delivery services

2/28/2024, 4:43:01 AM

Highlights: State Post Bureau: Resolutely rectify illegal charging of rural express delivery services. State Council Information Office held a press conference on high-quality development of transportation to serve Chinese-style modernization. Zhao Chongjiu, director of the State Post Bureau, said that illegal charging must be resolutely rectified, and rectification efforts must continue to be increased. He said that as an important bridge that serves production, promotes consumption, connects urban and rural areas, and smoothes circulation, the county and rural delivery logistics and distribution system plays an important role in promoting rural revitalization.

  China News Service, February 28. On the 28th, the State Council Information Office held a press conference on high-quality development of transportation to serve Chinese-style modernization. Zhao Chongjiu, director of the State Post Bureau, said that illegal charging of rural express delivery services must be resolutely rectified, and rectification efforts must continue to be increased. Effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

  Zhao Chongjiu said that as an important bridge that serves production, promotes consumption, connects urban and rural areas, and smoothes circulation, the county and rural delivery logistics and distribution system plays an important role in promoting rural revitalization and promoting common prosperity.

In recent years, the State Post Bureau has accelerated the construction of county and rural delivery logistics and distribution systems, deepened the coordinated development of rural express delivery and e-commerce, and achieved phased results. Rural areas have basically achieved full coverage of express delivery services, creating a number of postal express delivery services for modern agriculture. The project effectively supports the development of rural e-commerce.

But at the same time, we are also clearly aware that the development of express delivery in rural areas still has problems such as unstable service quality and insufficient accessibility.

  Zhao Chongjiu introduced that in 2024, the State Post Bureau will adhere to a problem-oriented approach, resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, strive to improve the ability and level of express delivery services for rural revitalization, and focus on the following four aspects of work.

  First, further improve the three-level delivery logistics and distribution system in counties and villages.

Strengthen the construction of county-level distribution centers, township outlets and village-level delivery logistics comprehensive service stations, continuously improve the county and rural delivery logistics distribution infrastructure, and strengthen resource sharing and reduce logistics costs through collaborative cooperation in sorting, transportation, terminals and other links. .

  Second, improve the ability of express delivery to reach villages and households.

Urge express delivery companies to strictly fulfill their service commitments in rural areas, integrate multiple resources to improve end-of-line service levels, promote upstream and downstream factor resources to invest more in rural areas, give full play to the advantages of the delivery network covering urban and rural areas, effectively smooth the "last mile" in rural areas, and continuously improve Express delivery service levels in rural areas.

  Third, we must resolutely rectify illegal charging of rural express delivery services.

Currently, illegal charging still exists in some rural areas. We must continue to increase rectification efforts, effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, create a fair market environment, and maintain the stable and healthy development of the express delivery industry.

  Fourth, improve the ability to serve the upward sales of agricultural products.

Deeply promote the demonstration and creation of collaborative development of rural e-commerce and express delivery, continue to build a modern agricultural brand project for postal express service, improve the transportation timeliness of agricultural products, actively develop cold chain delivery logistics, and provide professional delivery services for the upward sales of agricultural products.

  Zhao Chongjiu said that "express delivery to farmers" is of great significance to the overall revitalization of rural areas, and now after years of hard work, certain progress has been achieved.

The postal express industry will continue to make unremitting efforts together with the whole society to jointly promote this work.

(China News Finance)