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Scholars from both sides of the Taiwan Strait jointly translated and annotated "General History of Taiwan" to gain new life after a century

2/28/2024, 3:33:00 AM

Highlights: Scholars from both sides of the Taiwan Strait jointly translated and annotated "General History of Taiwan" to gain new life after a century. "Taiwan General History" became the first history book in Taiwan's history written in the style of a general history. The purpose of Lian Heng's book is to use irrefutable history Documents to prove that Taiwan belongs to China, and Taiwanese people have Chinese feelings and national spirit. "As for the current-de-Sinicization curriculum on the island, Lian Huixin believes that this has led to the identity and identity of Taiwan's younger generation"

  China News Service, Beijing, February 28th: ​​Title: Scholars from both sides of the Taiwan Strait jointly translated and annotated the "General History of Taiwan" to gain new life after a century

  Author Zhang Yangbin

  "People from Taiwan are people from China, and they are also from Fujian and Guangdong." This sentence came from a famous Taiwanese patriotic poet and historian at the launch of the new simplified Chinese version of "Taiwan General History" (translation and annotation) held in Beijing on the 27th. The famous lines in "General History of Taiwan" written by Jia Lianheng have been quoted many times by many scholars.

  A general history, a century of "rebirth"

  In 1908, Lien Heng started writing "A General History of Taiwan", which recorded all the events in Taiwan over the past millennium. It took more than ten years to complete.

"Taiwan General History" became the first history book in Taiwan's history written in the style of a general history.

In the 1920s, "General History of Taiwan" was published in three volumes on the island, and it was widely circulated on both sides of the Taiwan Strait for more than a hundred years.

  "Mr. Lian Heng wrote the "General History of Taiwan" during the Japanese occupation, which is very remarkable and very valuable." Zhang Haipeng, a member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and director of the Taiwan History Research Center, said that the purpose of Lian Heng's book is to use irrefutable history Documents prove that Taiwan belongs to China, and Taiwanese people have Chinese feelings and national spirit.

  Starting from March 2021, the Fujian Institute of Fujian and Taiwan History and Culture organized scholars from universities in Fujian and Taiwan to complete the modern Chinese translation and annotation of "Taiwan General History" in three years.

Dean Chen Qiuping said that the publication of "General History of Taiwan" (translation and annotation) will, on the one hand, make it easier for people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, especially young people, to read, and help guide them to understand, face up to, and identify with history; on the other hand, by incorporating translation and annotation content, , and also gave "General History of Taiwan" new academic life.

The picture shows the simplified version of Lian Heng's "General History of Taiwan" (translation and annotation).

Photo by Zhang Yangbin

  Cross-Strait joint translation and annotation process is "a bit difficult"

  In an interview with a reporter from China News Service, Deng Kongzhao, a professor at the Taiwan Institute of Xiamen University who participated in the translation and annotation of "General History of Taiwan" said bluntly, "This process is quite hard and not easy."

He explained that "General History of Taiwan" was written in classical Chinese by Mr. Lian Heng. In order to make the article elegant, Lian Heng used many quaint words and allusions.

Therefore, it takes a lot of effort to translate words smoothly and accurately.

  There are also some Hokkien "transliteration words" and events and places that lack historical records, which increase the difficulty of the translation and annotation work.

Deng Kongzhao gave an example. He wrote in "General History of Taiwan" that during the Zheng Chenggong period, King Lu of the Southern Ming Dynasty held a swearing-in ceremony on "Changyuan Island" off the coast of Fujian.

"Where is 'Changyuan Island'? We researched for a long time and finally determined that it is Nangan Island in Mazu Township, Fujian Province."

  Deng Kongzhao said that the translation and annotation of "General History of Taiwan" was jointly completed by more than 20 scholars from many universities on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

"Although it is difficult, everyone is very enthusiastic and feels it is meaningful."

  "Taiwanese young people will get the answers by thinking"

  As the great-granddaughter of Mr. Lian Heng, Lian Huixin knows many contents in the book by heart.

"I believe that when most friends see the vernacular version of "General History of Taiwan", they will feel like reading a story, which is very exciting." As for the current "de-Sinicization" curriculum on the island, Lian Huixin believes that this has led to the identity and identity of Taiwan's younger generation. Lack of cultural identity.

"Problems that have formed over a long period of time must be resolved in sufficient time. Now there is a strong voice among the people on the island against the current curriculum. We must persist and strive to hand over Chinese history to the next generation in its entirety."

On February 27, a new book launch conference for the simplified Chinese version of Lian Heng's "General History of Taiwan" (translation and annotation) was held in Beijing. Ms. Lian Huixin spoke at the meeting.

Photo by Zhang Yangbin

  Chen Qiuping suggested that in the future, "General History of Taiwan" could be adapted into a form more popular with young people, such as animation.

"Let more young people study Taiwan's stories and understand the historical origins of Taiwan and mainland China in many aspects. When youth groups on both sides of the Taiwan Strait share common aspirations and ideals, there will be more recognition and less conflict and prejudice."

  "We hope that young people can think from the process of understanding history and find consensus from the exchanges and understandings between young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. When they get answers from thinking, it will be more effective than getting an answer directly." Wei Zhibin, head of Taiwan Nantian Book Company explain.

  It is reported that the translated and annotated traditional Chinese version of the book will be published by Taiwan Nantian Book Company.
