Teller Report

Morad faces 7 years in prison for incidents during the recording of a video clip

2/28/2024, 8:53:48 AM

Highlights: Morad faces 7 years in prison for incidents during the recording of a video clip. The Prosecutor's Office requests 6 years for rapper Morad for attacking the Mossos with a Taser defense. Morad: "People must be given the right to change and mature" Music. From cani to MDLR: the new fashion championed by quinquis and posh against cayetanism. EFE Barcelona Barcelona Updated Wednesday, February 28, 2024-09:34 Events A court investigates rapper MORad for paying a group of rioters to burn cars and containers Courts

This Wednesday, rapper Morad sits in the dock again, this time for incidents that occurred during the recording of a music video at the...

EFE Barcelona


Updated Wednesday, February 28, 2024-09:34

  • Events A court investigates rapper Morad for paying a group of rioters to burn cars and containers

  • Courts The Prosecutor's Office requests 6 years in prison for rapper Morad for attacking the Mossos with a Taser defense

This Wednesday, the rapper


sits in the dock again, this time for the incidents that occurred during the recording of a music video in 2021 in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona), for which he faces to a total of

seven years in prison


In the sixth section of the Barcelona Court, the

trial against Morad

begins , which is expected to last two days, accused of the

crimes of incitement to public disorder and attack with the use of a dangerous instrument


According to the prosecution's indictment, the recording of a music video by the popular rapper on August 11, 2021 on public roads

caused a "huge noise", which neighbors complained about, in which a drone was also used.

, without the pertinent permission of the competent authority.

To know more


Morad: "People must be given the right to change and mature"

  • Editorial: CRISTINA LUIS L'Hospitalet

  • Editorial: VIDEO: REDA SLAFTI

Morad: "People must be given the right to change and mature"


From cani to MDLR: the new fashion championed by quinquis and posh against cayetanism


From cani to MDLR: the new fashion championed by quinquis and posh against cayetanism

When the Mossos d'Esquadra agents arrived at the scene, the public prosecutor's office maintains in its indictment that they were

greeted with "throwing of objects" and a "hostile attitude" on the part of the accused

, the rapper Morad.

The Mossos troops "found a large group of attendees, around 150, who, upon observing the police presence and guided by the purpose of seriously disturbing the peace and tranquility of the citizens,

began to rebuke the agents

, as well as to carry out acts consisting of throwing eggs and stones at them," the public ministry maintains.

According to the Prosecutor, at that time,

the well-known rapper acted as an "instigator" of the rest of the gathered crowd

, urging them to throw objects, with expressions such as "the street is ours" and, addressing the police,

with a "don't paint nothing here"


According to the public accusation, when the agents informed the rapper that he did not have the relevant municipal permits to make this music video, Morad "ignored the instructions, showing a hostile and obstructionist attitude."

The Prosecutor maintains that, at that point, Morad shouted insults at the Mossos, at whom he also threw eggs and large stones, while "spurring the crowd on" with expressions such as "your aim is up your ass."

Due to these events, the public ministry accuses Morad of the crimes of incitement to public disorder and attack with the use of a dangerous instrument, and

requests three years and six months in prison for each of them


Furthermore, according to the Public Prosecutor's Office, the

damage caused to the different police vehicles

that arrived at the scene of the incident amounts to approximately 2,040 euros, for which the Public Prosecutor's Office requests payment of this amount as civil liability.