Teller Report

Malakoff Humanis mobilizes society to end the isolation of seniors

2/28/2024, 5:13:31 PM

Highlights: Malakoff Humanis mobilizes society to end the isolation of seniors. The Little Brothers of the Poor use this expression to raise awareness and generate a reaction from society. Since 2021, around 10,000 young people have mobilized, offering nearly 6 million hours of support at home or in establishments for 240,000 elderly people. According to Clémence Delobelle, 80% of young people say they have learned things from working with elders. 70% of seniors feel useful, having a more positive view of youth.

This week, Pierre-Marie Chapon receives Clémence Delobelle, head of Partnerships for Social Retirement Action, who explains the concept of social death. This is the moment when a person loses all contact, or almost all contact, with the four circles of sociability: family, friends, neighborhood and associative networks. The Little Brothers of the Poor use this expression to raise awareness and generate a reaction from society.

Europe 1 SEASON 2023 - 2024 6:00 p.m., February 28, 2024

This week, Pierre-Marie Chapon receives Clémence Delobelle, head of Partnerships for Social Retirement Action, who explains the concept of social death.

This is the moment when a person loses all contact, or almost all contact, with the four circles of sociability: family, friends, neighborhood and associative networks.

The Little Brothers of the Poor use this expression to raise awareness and generate a reaction from society.

Everyone can get involved in the fight against social isolation, particularly within Malakoff Humanis, which has set up 41 friendly relays and a network of national volunteers.

You can find more information on the friendly relays website.

Clémence Delobelle also mentions the Senior Civic Solidarity Service, an intergenerational solidarity program supported by Malakoff Humanis since its creation, taken up today within the Agirc-Arrco Federation.

Since 2021, around 10,000 young people have mobilized, offering nearly 6 million hours of support at home or in establishments for 240,000 elderly people.

According to Clémence Delobelle, 80% of young people say they have learned things from working with elders, while 70% of seniors feel useful, having a more positive view of youth.

We also note a “rejuvenation effect” with 75% of seniors now showing an increased desire for activities.

Finally, 40% of young people express their desire to get involved in the medical-social sector, a significant contribution in a field in tension.

To find out more, go to the Essentiel Autonomie website, which currently offers an in-depth file on the isolation of seniors.