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In the news: in Michigan, illusionary victories during the primaries

2/28/2024, 3:54:05 PM

Highlights: In the news: in Michigan, illusionary victories during the primaries. Press review of the Americas. Joe Biden and Donald Trump won the Democratic and Republican primaries in Michigan. But their victory “leaves open the question of the support they have for the presidential election in November, in an important swing state” Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry is traveling to Kenya to sign the famous reciprocity agreement which should allow the sending of a multinational force to the country. Haitian Chancellor Jean Victor Généus indicated that this agreement will be signed as soon as the two parties have agreed on the final document.

Press review of the Americas

In the news: in Michigan, illusionary victories during the primaries

Joe Biden and Donald Trump won the Democratic and Republican primaries in Michigan, but they must deal with fractures within their camp.


By: Christophe Paget Follow


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In the United States, Joe Biden and Donald Trump won their respective primaries in Michigan: more than 81% for Joe Biden, more than 68% for Donald Trump.

But if they won this round – as expected, writes 

USA Today 

– their victory “

 leaves open the question of the support they have for the presidential election in November, in an important swing state 

” – a state which can swing by one side as well as the other.

Thus, in Michigan, Joe Biden's main opponent was in fact the “ 


 ” vote, the equivalent of the blank vote.

The reason, explains

USA Today

 : several progressive organizations and elected officials are up in arms on the question of US support for Israel – “ 

several left-wing voters, led by American activists of Arab origin have launched a campaign against Biden, demanding for Democrats to protest at the polls


And 15% of Michigan voters would have chosen this “ 


 ” vote.

According to a New York Times


, Joe Biden should be worried, the big question being: "

How many of these voters will the president be able to win back, when it seems almost unimaginable that he will cut military aid to Israel, as the “Listen to Michigan” movement calls for


In short, writes


, Joe Biden won the Michigan primary, “ 

but not enough to calm Democrats’ fears


Nikki Haley hangs on

As for Joe Biden, the

New York Times

has done the counting, it is his sixth consecutive victory.

This Tuesday in Michigan, he attracted more than 68% of the votes, but, notes the

Boston Globe

, for the last eight years, the former president has come regularly to Michigan, while Nikki Haley has only started on the weekend -last end.

And Nikki Haley continues to recover " 

a sufficiently large percentage of the votes for us to ask the question about the results of the former president 

" in November, during the presidential election, estimates



Especially since Donald Trump “

has made little effort to win over voters who do not support him, and continues to attack his primary rivals – past and present – ​​even when they do not represent no longer a political danger for him


Ariel Henry on her way to Kenya

Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry is traveling to Kenya to sign the famous reciprocity agreement which should allow the sending of a multinational force to the country – a force which would be led by Kenya.

Haitian Chancellor Jean Victor Généus indicated to Le 


that this agreement will be signed " 

as soon as the two parties have agreed on the final document


The daily specifies that according to the United States ambassador, “ 

certain Caribbean countries which had promised their support are calling on more French-speaking countries to join this effort


In any case, reports

Juno 7

, according to the media

Martinique 1ère

, at least 150 soldiers from the Bahamas are training in Jamaica alongside the Jamaicans who will also be part of the force.

According to the Commander of the Bahamas Defense Force, recruitment was difficult: “ 

During this recruitment exercise, we lost a lot of candidates.

They chose other units.

For many, Haiti is too dangerous.

There is a real danger of being killed by gangs who know the terrain well.


674 million to find for a humanitarian response plan

Official launch this Tuesday of the 2024 humanitarian response plan for Haiti.

And we have to find 674 million dollars, writes

Le Nouvelliste


With this plan, Ocha, the UN office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs, and the Haitian Ministry of Planning and External Coordination, want to “ 

counteract the humanitarian crisis in Haiti

 ,” explains 

Le National


This $674 million “ 

aims to meet the needs of 3.6 million people out of a total of five and a half million who are food insecure


Half of the envelope must be devoted to food security, and it is also a question, writes

Le Nouvelliste

, of " 

paying particular attention to protection, with an emphasis on prevention and the availability of services, including for women and girls victims of rape and other forms of gender-based violence


Problem: last year, despite the intensification of the crisis, and while the request for the humanitarian response plan reached 700 million dollars, “ 

donors only responded to 34% of the expected amount 

” , recalls

Le National


Panama asks Nicaragua to silence ex-president Martinelli

Panama asks Nicaragua to prevent former President Ricardo Martinelli from intervening in the country's politics from the Nicaraguan embassy where he has taken refuge.

In Panama, 

La Prensa 

writes that “ 

from the embassy, ​​in obvious violation of international conventions, Martinelli continues to proselytize concerning the general elections of May 5

 ,” by publishing messages on social networks, specifies

La Prensa

– a Nicaraguan daily this time.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Panama speaks of a “ 


 ” attitude of the head of the Nicaraguan mission in Panama, writes 

La Estrella de Panama


The daily recalls that the former president took refuge on February 7 in the Nicaraguan embassy, ​​after being sentenced to 128 months in prison for money laundering.

And that the Panamanian Minister of Foreign Affairs refused Managua's request to allow Ricardo Martinelli to leave the country for Nicaragua.

Twenty-two years later, two convictions for the murder of Jam Master Jay

In the United States, more than 20 years later, we know those responsible for the murder of Jam Master Jay, whose real name is Jason Mizell, the founding DJ of the rap trio Run-DMC - known for his song "It's Tricky" and his version of the Aerosmith song “Walk This Way”.

Two of Jam Master Jay's relatives, writes the

Washington Post

, were convicted of the murder, which prosecutors say was actually revenge for a failed drug deal.

The daily writes that as with the assassinations of rap icons Tupac Shakur and Notorious BIG in the late 1990s, there were no arrests for years: " 

The authorities were buried under tips, rumors and theories, but they couldn’t get the witnesses to talk 


Rolling Stone

specifies that a third man, who allegedly allowed the murderers to access their victim, is due to be tried in January 2026.


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