Teller Report

Housing information site releases rankings of cities where people want to live, including cities that are rapidly increasing in popularity

2/28/2024, 9:33:04 AM

Highlights: Housing information site releases rankings of cities where people want to live, including cities that are rapidly increasing in popularity. The survey, conducted by a housing information site, asked over 9,000 people in their 20s to 40s living in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba, and Ibaraki to choose the city they would like to live in by station name. 1st place for the 7th consecutive year was Yokohama, 2nd place was Omiya, 3rd place was Tokyo's Kichijoji, followed by 5th place in Shinjuku.

[NHK] The housing information site's ranking of cities and four prefectures that people want to live in was announced on the 28th, with Yokohama taking first place for the seventh consecutive year. on the other hand…

The housing information site's ranking of cities and four prefectures as the best places to live was announced on the 28th, with Yokohama taking first place for the seventh consecutive year.

However, as housing prices rise, cities that are considered relatively affordable also move up the rankings.

The survey, conducted by a housing information site, asked over 9,000 people in their 20s to 40s living in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba, and Ibaraki to choose the city they would like to live in by station name online.

1st place for the 7th consecutive year was Yokohama, 2nd place was Omiya in Saitama Prefecture, 3rd place was Tokyo's Kichijoji, followed by 5th place in Shinjuku, 7th place in Ikebukuro, and other areas in central Tokyo. Major stations topped the rankings.

Focus on cities where you can live at a relatively affordable price

On the other hand, as housing prices rise, cities that offer convenience and where you can live at relatively affordable prices are also attracting attention.

In Tokyo, "Akihabara" jumped from 49th place last year to 29th place.

Rent prices are relatively low in the area near the office district around Tokyo Station, and the property was popular among single-person and couple-only households.

In addition, Nerima, where a large theme park opened last year, rose from 63rd to 48th place, and is popular among a wide range of households because it is connected to multiple lines and has a concentration of restaurants in front of the station, making it highly convenient. I am collecting.

Yoichi Ikemoto, editor-in-chief of the housing information site SUUMO, says, ``I think that ``a city that is actually fun to live in'' and ``a city where you can live at a good value for money'' will gain more attention amidst high prices for living and property.