Teller Report

He withdraws 90,000 euros without being debited: jackpot for a Belgian who risks 18 months in prison

2/28/2024, 6:53:32 PM

Highlights: He withdraws 90,000 euros without being debited: jackpot for a Belgian who risks 18 months in prison. A 24-year-old Belgian believed in a jackpot: while withdrawing money from an ATM in Ghent, the man realized that it had not been debited from his account. The man filed a complaint and this young Belgian faces 18 years in jail. The judge was not convinced by the man's defense, and the man in question appeared in court. The young man will receive his sentence on March 11.

A 24-year-old Belgian believed in a jackpot: while withdrawing money from an ATM in Ghent, the young man realized that it had not been debited from his account, and thus withdrew almost of 90,000 euros. The bank filed a complaint and this young Belgian faces 18 months in prison.

Laura van Lerberghe (correspondent in Belgium), edited by Gauthier Delomez / Photo credits: AFP 7:46 p.m., February 28, 2024

A 24-year-old Belgian believed in a jackpot: while withdrawing money from an ATM in Ghent, the young man realized that it had not been debited from his account, and thus withdrew almost of 90,000 euros.

The bank filed a complaint and this young Belgian faces 18 months in prison.

That day, in Ghent in Belgium, a 24-year-old man went to an ATM and made a first withdrawal of 1,000 euros to help a friend finance his wedding party.

He goes there a second time to recover 3,000 euros, and his account is still not debited.

The Belgian ends up realizing this technical problem, but instead of warning the bank, he prefers to take advantage of the situation.


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In total, he withdrew money 46 times, using his card and that of his girlfriend to multiply the withdrawals.

In a few hours, it reached the sum... of 90,000 euros.

The judge not convinced by the young man's defense

The bank decided to file a complaint, and the man in question appeared in court.

In court, he explains having given 30,000 euros to a friend.

He kept the rest for personal expenses.

“This is not a deliberate theft,” his lawyer proclaimed, but that did not convince the judge.

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The prosecutor requested 18 months in prison, a fine of 4,000 euros and reimbursement of the entire undebited amount.

The young man will receive his sentence on March 11.