Teller Report

France wants to “accelerate” the idea of ​​taxing billionaires on an international scale

2/28/2024, 4:53:18 PM

Highlights: France wants to “accelerate” the idea of ​​taxing billionaires on an international scale. On the sidelines of the G20 of Finance Ministers in Brazil, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire announced this Wednesday that France was "fully committed" to "accelerating" on the idea. Nearly 140 states agreed at the end of 2021 on minimum taxation of multinationals under the aegis of the OECD, consisting of two pillars. The international community now needs a "third pillar", the French minister said.

On the sidelines of the G20 of Finance Ministers in Brazil, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire announced this Wednesday that France was "fully committed" to "accelerate" on the idea of ​​international negotiations with a view to establishing minimum taxation on billionaires.

Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP 5:44 p.m., February 28, 2024

On the sidelines of the G20 of Finance Ministers in Brazil, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire announced this Wednesday that France was "fully committed" to "accelerating" the idea of ​​international negotiations with a view to implementing place of minimum taxation of billionaires.

The desire to combat any form of tax optimization of people throughout the world. France wants to “accelerate” international negotiations with a view to establishing minimum taxation for billionaires, affirmed the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire on Wednesday, on the sidelines of a G20 of Finance Ministers in Brazil. 

"We are fully committed to accelerating the process of establishing at the international level, at the OECD level, at the G20 level, and I hope at the level of European countries, a minimum taxation of individuals in order to combat any form of tax optimization for people around the world,” the French minister told journalists.


- The richest French people pay proportionally less taxes than others, according to the IPP

Already 140 states in favor of taxation since 2021

Nearly 140 states agreed at the end of 2021 on minimum taxation of multinationals under the aegis of the OECD, consisting of two pillars, the first aimed at a better distribution of taxation for digital giants and the second at a minimum tax of 15% on companies.

The international community now needs a "third pillar", the French minister said on Wednesday, affirming that "France will be at the forefront on the subject".

"Today you have the possibility for the richest people to avoid paying the same amount of income tax as other people who are less wealthy. We want to avoid this tax optimization, we want to do it at the level international because it is the only effective way", further affirmed the minister in Brazil.


- ISF: an IPP report shows how the richest are less taxable

An almost daily debate

The level of taxation of the richest comes up at very regular intervals in debates, particularly since the wealth of billionaires has soared thanks to the pandemic and the explosion in the stock prices of giants in the technology sector.

Within the G20 countries, the richest 1% have seen the tax rates applicable to their income fall by almost a third in recent decades, the NGO Oxfam estimated in a study published Tuesday.

According to his calculations, of every dollar of tax revenue generated in G20 countries, less than 8 cents comes from wealth taxes.

The French economist specializing in inequalities and tax havens Gabriel Zucman is due to present his recommendations on Thursday for minimum taxation of the wealth of billionaires to the G20 Finance Ministers, meeting in Sao Paulo under the Brazilian presidency.