Teller Report

Euskadi assumes the "comprehensive management" of welcoming refugees in the Urkullu stoppage time

2/28/2024, 6:33:29 PM

Highlights: Euskadi assumes the "comprehensive management" of welcoming refugees in the Urkullu stoppage time. The technical agreement reached between the Department of Governance and the Central Executive culminates the negotiations to make effective some of the commitments acquired by Pedro Sánchez with the PNV. Euskadi will deduct 2.4 million euros from the next Quota by applying the 6.24% index with respect to the item of funds destined for this purpose. "This transfer will mean an intensification of social assistance programs and a boost to integration," highlighted the Governance Department led by Minister Olatz Garamendi.

The Basque Government will assume the "comprehensive management" of the reception of refugees who settle in Euskadi, one of the phases contemplated in the Spanish system of...

Josean Izarra Vitoria


Updated Wednesday, February 28, 2024-19:05

The Basque Government will assume the "comprehensive management" of the reception of refugees who settle in Euskadi, one of the phases contemplated in the Spanish reception system.

The technical agreement reached between the Department of Governance and the Central Executive culminates the negotiations to make effective some of the commitments acquired by Pedro Sánchez with the PNV.

The two governments will now have to set a date to solemnize the transfer of the last three powers achieved in stoppage time of the third and final term of Lehendakari Urkullu.

The Basque Government has announced the agreement reached to take on the reception of refugees, which culminates last week's agreements on suburban railways and the recognition of three foreign university degrees.

The three materials were part of Sánchez's commitment to the PNV in November 2023, which established that they must be delivered to Euskadi within a period of three months.

This last agreement also maintains the formula established for the rest of the transfers because Euskadi will deduct 2.4 million euros from the next Quota by applying the 6.24% index with respect to the item of funds destined for this purpose.

The "comprehensive management" of the reception formalizes the efforts that the Basque Government was already carrying out so that the refugees who arrive in Euskadi are assured of education, housing and a minimum income.

A process that will have to be carried out by the Department of Social Policies now in charge of "helping these people to carry out a complete itinerary of inclusion and integration into our society."

"This transfer will mean an intensification of social assistance programs and a boost to integration," highlighted the Governance Department led by Minister Olatz Garamendi.